Topic: Prophecy Meditation
Our new book, Black Saints, Mystics, and Holy Folk I,
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"I could have passed whole days and nights there [in Eucharistic Adoration] .
. . consumed in His Presence like a burning taper, in order to return to Him
love for love"
(St. Margaret Mary Alacoque).
Mother Teresa -
Every time you sacrifice something at great cost every time you renounce something that appeals to you for the sake of the poor you are feeding a hungry Christ.
You are clothing His nakedness.
You are offering shelter to a homeless Christ. Every time we are concerned about the poor whether they are near or far away we do it all for Him.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
. Give praise to God alone and not to man; honour the Creator and not the creature. During your life, learn to endure bitterness, in order to participate in the sufferings of Christ.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen -
Stream of consciousness lacks conscience!
"A civilization can be forgiven for seeing the dark side of evil, but it should examine its conscience when it begins to fear the dark side of the good? The right and normal reaction when one sees a shadow is to think of the light; in fact, the darker the shadow the brighter the light."
St. Faustina's diary -
O my Jesus, You know, You alone know well that my heart knows no other love but You! All my virginal love is drowned eternally in You, O Jesus! I sense keenly how Your divine Blood is circulating in my heart; I have not the least doubt that Your most pure love has entered my heart with Your most sacred Blood. I am aware that You are dwelling in me, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, or rather I am aware that it is I who am living in You, O incomprehensible God!
I am aware that I am dissolving in You like a drop in an ocean. I am aware that You are within me and all about me, that You are in all things that surround me, in all that happens to me.
O my God, I have come to know You within my heart, and I have loved You above all things that exist on earth or in heaven. Our hearts have a mutual understanding, and no one of humankind will comprehend this. (478)
All my nothingness is drowned in the sea of Your mercy. With the confidence of a child, I throw myself into Your arms, O Father of Mercy, to make up for the unbelief of so many souls who are afraid to trust in You.
Oh, how very few souls really know You! How ardently I desire that the Feast of Mercy be known by souls! Mercy is the crown of Your works; You provide for all with the love of a most tender mother. (505)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
In her monthly message of August, 1990, Our Lady said:
Dear children, today I desire to invite you to take with seriousness and put into practice the messages which I am giving you. You know, little children, that I am with you, that I desire to lead you along the same path to heaven which is beautiful for those who discover it in prayer.
Therefore, little children, do not forget that these messages which I am giving you have to be put into your everyday life in order that you might be able to say:
"There, I have taken the messages and tried to live them". Dear children, I am protecting you before the heavenly Father by my own prayers (Monthly Message August 25, 1990).
In the following passage from scripture, Jesus also calls us to "live the messages" of the gospel:
As for what was sown among thorns, this is the one who hears the word, but the cares of the world and the lure of wealth choke the word, and it yields nothing.
But as for what was sown on good soil, this is it, who indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundred fold, in another sixty, and in another thirty (Mt.13:22-23).
Both Christ and Our Lady urge us today to live the message of the gospel(of which the Medjugorje messages are a reflection).
They remind us that it is one thing to hear the message, another to act on it. This was the topic of a sermon given in Medjugorje by Fr. Slavko Barbaric in December of 1985:
We would be misguided to say, "I will convert tomorrow", or "I will be reconciled tomorrow". Confession is asked of me today, not tomorrow.
And so the messages have this meaning: to be committed and awake to God in faith, in our work, in prayer, in belief, in abandoning ourselves to him so that we are open and ready each day to meet him if he should call us to himself.
To live the messages also means to live in the Lord's peace, to have safe harbor in turbulent times, and a firm hope in the future, all in the here and now.
Are there parts of the gospel message that you have failed to live? Identify one area that you can work on this week.
Message to Fr. Melvin Doucette January 18, 2008
Spend some time with Me today
Reading: Mark 15:20-47
Dear friends,
Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death and hand him over to the Gentiles who will mock him, spit upon him, scourge him and put him to death, but after three days he will rise. Mark 10:33-34
I spent a half-hour in prayer this morning with Jesus in great suffering. I was at the foot of the cross staying close to Him as He hung on the cross. After a time He said, Melvin, My brother, remain close to Me as I am about to die in horrible pain as I hang upon the cross.
See My hands and My feet nailed to the wood of the cross and all the blood dripping from these wounds. My whole body is covered in wounds from the whipping and the beating I received.
I will soon die from this excruciating pain and now I offer My sacrifice, My holocaust, to My Father in heaven for your salvation and the salvation of all the people of the world.
Come often to My cross, My brothers and sisters, and let Me wash you clean from all sins and free you from all forms of slavery. It is because of your sins that I suffered and died on the cross.
Out of love for you I took your place and suffered instead of you. I am truly your Redeemer who gave everything, even My life for you. I want you to be saved and to come and spend eternity with Me in heaven.
Believe in Me as your Saviour; be a full member of My Church and come and be My friend. Let us walk together every day.
You do not have to remain in darkness any longer. Come to Me; come to the light and leave the path of sin. Live in the power of the Holy Spirit so that you can say no to temptation and sin and live in union with Me. Come to Me and I will fill you with the Holy Spirit. Spend some time with Me today as I die on the cross to save you.
Father Melvin
P.S. I celebrated Holy Mass at 11:00 a.m. yesterday and in the afternoon David Little and I visited Immaculate Conception Church, Palmer Road. He loved that church very much. Then we visited St. Simon and St. Jude's Church, Tignish. This is another beautiful church in the area. We looked at the miraculous images that have appeared on the tabernacle cloth and on the wooden cross and these are still displayed in that church. We spent some time in the Adoration Chapel in prayer before Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. In the evening David gave a talk to a small group of people. He spoke against tax-funded abortions and his meetings with Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Pope John Paul II.
To send a personal message to Fr. Melvin, address your e-mail to: melvin.doucette@...
To read the day's message online, visit
To access archived messages, visit
Prayer Room Schedule*
Holy Mass Wednesday and Saturday 9:30 a.m.
Rosary and Healing Mass usually on first Friday 7:00 p.m.
Marian Cenacle other Fridays of the month 7:30 p.m.
*Schedules may change depending on Fr. Melvin's commitments. The Prayer Room is usually open during the day, but we recommend that visitors call ahead.
To subscribe to Heaven's Voice, our quarterly newsletter, please send a cheque or money order payable to Our Lady of PEI Inc. to the address below. The yearly subscription rate is $12 in Canada and $15 for other countries.
Fr. Melvin Doucette, M. Afr.
1704 Palmer Road, RR 2
Tignish, PE (Prince Edward Island) C0B 2B0
Message to J.N.S.R. Dec. 4, 2007
The CALL from GOD
December 4, 2007
JESUS: I am asking all the children who are called to serve in the Work of the "Witnesses of GOD to His Little Souls", to put all their heart and all their strength into the priority of letting everyone know of the urgent Messages of JESUS Christ, recommending to all, the WISDOM in one hand and yet encouraging boldness on the other hand.
Under the rule of material things, one tends to all that is material.
Under the rule of the Spirit, one tends to all that is spiritual.
To understand Me, look at Me, says JESUS. Do you recognize Me, just as I have become once again for you, for everyone, and for all future times? Only your soul will recognize Me, when you see Me again.
I am no longer as the icons have painted Me. My Body will no longer be flesh, neither will yours.
I am Spiritually,
with His Body of Spiritual flesh.
I AM HE who is, who was, and who will be, and Me in you, and you in Me.
Everyone will be what I AM, by loving ceaselessly the Eternal Life, the One that will soon be on Earth as in Heaven. For GOD will be in everyone and in EVERYTHING.
You must tell the entire World that, already, here below, anyone who wants to save His Life, will lose it. But whoever will lose His Life because of Me and of the Gospel, will save it.
(St. Mark 8:35, 6).
Only He who can tear within you the veil of the lack of comprehension, it is Christ, who is telling you today:
"Through My Holy Eucharist,
I come to bring you My PEACE and My JOY.
Obey ME!"
says your LORD.
I am asking you for thousands of Masses in the whole World. Let every Priest give Me His LOVE, says the Father to you, by offering Me the Holy Sacrifice of My Divine SON on His CROSS OF LOVE. The Altar of your Church will light up.
For the World Repentance, each family must offer a Mass!
Offer Masses for the whole World,
for the Mass for World Repentance, brings you
the Pardon of GOD on All Humanity.
JESUS Christ in
His Holy Eucharist.
LESSONS, St. Don Bosco, Right to Life March, Bush on Life, St. Francis de Sales,
Pope's Prayer Intentions...
LESSONS from Our Lord Revisited - Release 58
Do you remember the history behind the 250 Lessons given to Gianna by Our Lord
for the world? The final 30 were posted on the website when it was begun in
December, 2005. However, over the last 2 years, 2-3 of those first four volumes
of Lessons are being posted every week because they forever provide spiritual
nourishment to help all to more fully understand and live the Gospel message.
(For more background on the LESSONS see: Introduction to LESSONS - ).
Links to the 58th release of the revisited LESSONS from Our Lord from the I AM
your Jesus of Mercy series are:
Volume IV, Lesson 46 - Love Yourself Dearly
&comm=0&list_code_int=NEW02-INT )
Volume IV, Lesson 47 - Wisdom and Eternal Truth
&comm=0&list_code_int=NEW02-INT )
Novena of St. Don Bosco
Join us in a 9-day Novena of St. Don Bosco, beginning on January 23 through his
feast day on January 31, 2008. St. Don Bosco was a prophet and mystic who
foresaw this critical time in salvation history!
St. Don Bosco Novena... ( )
National Right to Life March - January 22, 2008
Prayer to End Abortion - Written by "Priests for Life"... ( )
What has Our Lady of Emmitsburg said about "abortion"?
Our Lady of Emmitsburg, April 28, 1994...
d=Abortion )
Our Lady of Emmitsburg, July 3, 1997...
d=Abortion )
What did President George W. Bush have to say about Life?
Full Text of Proclamation made by President Bush... ( )
The Feast of St. Francis de Sales - January 24, 2008
Review briefly some of the words of the author of one of the classics in
Christian spirituality, "Introduction to the Devout Life".
Background and words of St. Francis de Sales... ( )
Litany of St. Francis de Sales... ( )
Pope Benedict XVI Monthly Prayer Intentions - January 2008
Join in praying daily for the January 2008 monthly intentions of our Holy
FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY: That the Church work for full visible unity that better
manifests a community of love which reflects the Blessed Trinity.
FOR THE CHURCH IN AFRICA: That the Church in Africa, preparing for a special
Synod, may be an instrument of reconciliation and justice.
DAILY OFFERING PRAYER - O Jesus, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of
Mary, I offer You my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day in union
with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. I offer them for all
the intentions of Your Sacred Heart: the salvation of souls, reparation for sin,
and the reunion of all Christions. I offer them for the intentions of our
bishops and of all Apostles of Prayer, and in particular for those recommended
by our Holy Father this month.
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Monthly Marian Prayer Service
Lynfield Event Complex, February 3, 2008
Come pray the Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy at the Our Lady of Emmitsburg
Monthly Marian Prayer Service from 3PM-5PM. (Our Lady has been giving her
monthly message to the world at this service.) All are welcome.
Fr. JACK SPAULDING to give a short talk following the prayer service - details
More Info...
Our Lady of Emmitsburg Monthly Marian Prayer Service
Lynfield Event Complex, February 24, 2008
Come pray the Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy at the Our Lady of Emmitsburg
Monthly Marian Prayer Service from 3PM-5PM. (Our Lady has been giving her
monthly message to the world at this service.) All are welcome.
More Info...
Visit: &
Emmitsburg Maryland - Center of the Immacualte Heart
Message From The Father Thru Lec - January 17, 2008
6:35 AM
Son, make yourself a channel of peace. Sow love where there is hatred. Speak
well of others. Control your emotions. Put a gag on your mouth if you are to
speak words that hurt. Do not slander anyone. Spread love among your brethren.
Better not to talk at all if talking further gets you into bitter arguments.
Yield to anyone with humility. Your vindication will come from Me and through
your own justification.
Go in peace, son!
Message Reception Ended : 6:40 AM Duration: 5 Minutes
Note: Seems like a personal message for me but let me share anyway since I have
nothing to hide. If I am a recipient of an admonition or a correction, this
only means a loving discipline given for good measure and I welcome it.