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Sunday, 20 January 2008
Prophecy Meditations
Topic: Prophecy Meditation
Message/Vision to Eileen Renders Jan.20,2008  Good morning Joyce Today Jesus reminds us that while we are created to His image and likeness,so to will our lives progress in a similar fashion while certainly not as extrema sacrifice is required of us.  God bless, Eileen  Sunday, January 20, 2008 Jesus Made Us In His Image And Likeness  Today we attended the 8:00 A.M. Mass at Our Lady Of Sorrows where I madehumble offerings to Jesus and Mary. In prayer I remembered the special needs andintentions of all those in need. After saying an Act of Contrition prior toreceiving Holy Communion, I knelt in silent commune with Jesus while He coveredme with His most precious body and blood! Feeling His presence so strongly often humbles me so that tears begin tofall, and that is one of the reasons why I kneel with both hands cupped over myface. While I heard no words from Jesus after asking Him to cover me with Hisprecious blood and praying, Speak Lord (if it be Your will), Your servantlistens, I saw the following vision: Jesus was dressed all in white and had a fullness to face and a Light thatemanated from His entire body, He appeared to be about 12 to 14 years of age.Next, I saw Him on the Cross with His head covered with the Crown of Thorns andit appeared as though He had already expired.  Note: As I pondered Jesus' message within the vision He showed, I prayed fordiscernment. It then occurred to me how very truly we are all made in His ownimage and likeness. We have our own youth and yet each of us must face our owncross and suffering before we die to the world as did Our Savior! Yet in notsuch an extreme sacrifice as our Creator made for us.  Mother of Perpetual Light 01-19-08  Mother of Perpetual Light The Words of these messages are being received in poetic verse allegedlyfrom the Blessed Mother under the title "The Mother of Perpetual Light". Ona number of occasions alleged messages were also received from theEucharistic Jesus starting with the words "I Am The Bread, I Am The Wine",also in poetic verse. For many more messages and information go to www.jesusmaryjoseph.org Only2008 and Special Needed messages are posted here. All messages are posteddaily at the web site. We now have three complete books of messages.You may download the complete books from the web site ALL THAT HAS BEEN FORETOLD  ALL THAT HAS BEEN FORETOLD HAS BEGUN AND MUST BEUNTIL GOD COMPLETES CLEANSING FROM THIS LAND ALL DEBRIS.SATAN, DEAR CHILDREN, WILL NOT BE DEFEATEDUNTIL ALL OF THE CLEANSING BY GOD'S SWORD IS COMPLETED. GOD, MY DEAR CHILDREN, FOR YOU NOW IS PREPARINGTHE LAND THAT HE WILL BE WITH HIS REMNANT SOON SHARING.I KNOW, MY DEAR CHILDREN, THAT YOU ARE GETTING WEARY,BUT YOU WILL SOON UNDERSTAND WHY THIS WAS NECESSARY. I MUST ONCE AGAIN ALL MY CHILDREN REMINDTHAT THOSE WHO REMAIN FAITHFUL GOD'S KINGDOM WILL FIND.IN SPITE, MY DEAR CHILDREN, WHAT YOU NOW HEAR AND SEE,DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED AND PRAY THE ROSARY. THY WILL BE DONE1-19-2008    Do not be OVERLY ATTACHED- BE FREED  DO NOT BE OVERLY ATTACHED TO WORLDLY THINGS OR YOU'LL LOSE FREEDOM OF JESUS As the saying goes, today is a gift from God; that's why they call it the"present." We can realize that only if we lose our unnecessary attachments. There is no peace or joy or gift in life when we are carrying unneeded baggage. Where is the baggage in your life? In the afterlife, we'll need nothing. We will tote nothing with us. You knowthat expression: there is no u-haul behind a hearse. Here on earth, we have tohave certain material necessities, and that's fine. There are certain things weneed. But there are also many things we don't need that bog us down in ways we don'tunderstand. Thus, we should pray to the Holy Spirit (in a series of novenas, aswell as through spontaneous prayer from the heart) to reveal those things in ourlives -- and perhaps also people -- from which and whom we need to detach, towhom we do not want to carry an obsession. Pray and meditate! Let the Spiritshow you. It could be a piece of jewelry. It could be the number in a bank account. Itcould be your job. Most of the time, harmful attachments have a root in pride.This needs to be purged. It is unhealthy to be overly attached to anything -- or anyone -- on this earth.Jesus made that clear any number of times. Scripture tells us not to be overlybound to any creature in the world, and the Lord told the rich man to selleverything and follow Him. We can become possessed by our possessions. In the afterlife (with the exception of those condemned), we will once more seeeveryone we have ever known, and especially those we have loved. It will bedifferent, yes, say those who claim an afterlife "glimpse." But we are allrejoined as spirits in bodies that are glorified. Knowing that, there's noreason to overly cling to each other. There is no reason for morbidity. There isno reason for depression. Morbidity is what happens when we are overly attached to things or people ofthis earth (instead of attached to God), and when overly attached, we can evenprevent loved ones from advancing. Many are those who speak of dying folks who wanted to pass on but who were boundby the attachments of those who could not release them. In prayer, you will be amazed at what the Holy Spirit will show you. He mayindicate that you are too attached to your looks (once again, pride). He mayindicate that you are too attached to clothes. He may indicate that you are tooattached to memories. He certainly may show you the ways that you are tooattached to the image of yourself and to your societal "standing." Only through humility, fasting, and prayer do we distance ourselves from that towhich we are not supposed to be bound. Think of the things that weigh you down.Meditate on what causes constant worry, or what can set you off -- what cancause you to have a bad day. Freedom is the healing of Jesus. Is it a weed that suddenly shows up in your lawn? Are you overly attached toyour landscaping? Is it a stray hair, your hairdo? Is it your car? Often, what we are over-attached to is routine. We have habits we can't release,and this is the key word: release. We have to release attachments to feel the full serenity of Heaven and it istrue to the very end: The easiest transition to eternity is total release toGod, which means a kite free from its strings. [resources: The God of Miracles]  www.spiritdaily.com   


Medjugorje Day By Day Jan 20 - REMAIN STEADFAST  Message List  


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 Please pray for Canada! 

"O Everlasting Love, Jesus, who have enclosed Yourself in the Host, and
therein hide Your divinity and conceal Your beauty, You do this in order to give Yourself, whole and entire, to my soul" (St. Maria Faustina of the Blessed Sacrament).

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The daily           "Its Time Email" (free)

The weekly        "Its Time"  radio broadcast Sat 6-8am MDT 91.3FM or  http://www.cjtr.ca
The bi-monthly "Its Time Medjugorje Webpaper" (free)
The bi-monthly "Its Time Medjugorje Newspaper" http://ollo.sasktelwebsite.net/

Pope John Paul IIFrom Bishop Michael D. Pfeifer, OMI, Bishop of San Angelo, Texas, National Catholic Register, April 15,1990: "During my Ad Lumina visit to Rome with the Bishops of Texas in April 1988, I asked our Holy Father his opinion about Medjugorje during the private conversation I had with him. He spoke very favorably about the happenings there, pointing out the good which had been done for people. During the lunch which the Texan bishops later had with the Holy Father, Medjugorje came up for further discussion. Again His Holiness spoke of how it has changed the lives of people who visit it, and said that so far the messages are not contrary to the gospel." http://www.medjugorje.org/pope.htm

Mother Teresa -   Faith is a gift from God.
When God comes to you or you go to God, then you will have the chance to accept Him or reject Him.
Accepting Him is the gift of faith.

Meditations by Padre Pio - Only a general knows how and when to use one of his soldiers. Wait, your turn will come.

 Archbishop Fulton Sheen -  Goodness never needs to be explained "Goodness needs but little explanation, for good is self-propagating and self-explanatory; it is the evil, darkness, and suffering which need explanation."

St. Faustina's diary  http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html  -  The words with which I entreated God are these: Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ for our sins and those of the whole world; for the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us. (475) The next morning, when I entered chapel, I heard these words interiorly: Every time you enter the chapel, immediately recite the prayer which I taught you yesterday. When I had said the prayer, in my soul I heard these words: This prayer will serve to appease My wrath. You will recite it for nine days, on the beads of the rosary, in the following manner: First of all, you will say one OUR FATHER and HAIL MARY and the I BELIEVE IN GOD. Then on the OUR FATHER beads you will say the following words: "Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world." On the HAIL MARY beads you will say the following words: "For the sake of His sorrowful Passion have mercy on us and on the whole world." In conclusion, three times you will recite these words: "Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world."     (476)

MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAYThese thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.  Jan 20 - REMAIN STEADFASTToday the visionaries are asked to motivate people to prayer and conversion:I know that many will not believe you, and that many who have an impassioned faith will grow cold. But you must remain steadfast and motivate people to pray, to do penance, and to convert. In this way you will be happier in the end (First Year 1983).In Luke's gospel, John the Baptist also urges the people to put their faith into action:And the crowds asked him, "What then should we do?" In reply he said to them, "Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise" (Lk 3:10-11).Reflection:Faith is never a strictly private affair. As we see from our readings, it is meant to affect others, to draw them to faith, prayer, and works of love. In this vein, an anonymous poet once wrote:Faith is not merely praying Upon our knees at night;Faith is not merely strayingThrough darkness into light;Faith is not merely waiting For glory that may be.Faith is the brave endeavor, The splendid enterprise, The strength to serve, whateverConditions may arise.Application:Today, reflect on whether your faith touches the lives of others  Medjugorje Day By Day Jan 19 - Believe and Pray         Message List  Reply | Forward            Message #374 of 375 < Prev | Next > Bl. Andre Bessette, Holy Cross Brother, Miracle Worker, Canada(1845-1937)—Jan. 6 Fervent devotee of the Holy Eucharist and St. Joseph, Br. Andre said: "Ifyou ate only one meal a week would you survive?  It is the same for yoursoul.  Nourish it with the Blessed Sacrament."  Let people know about Medjugorje throughThe daily           "Its Time Email" (free)The weekly        "Its Time"  radio broadcast Sat 6-8am MDT 91.3FM or  http://www.cjtr.caThe bi-monthly "Its Time Medjugorje Webpaper" (free)The bi-monthly "Its Time Medjugorje Newspaper" http://ollo.sasktelwebsite.net/Contact   ItsTime@sasktel.net Pope John Paul II - On April 2, 1986 reported by Fr. Ivan Dugandzic, OFM, during a meeting with the Holy Father. The Holy Father told him that he follows the events continuously. "You can tell everyone that each day I pray for a happy conclusion to these events." http://www.medjugorje.org/pope.htm Mother Teresa   - If we approach others with the desire to give them God, He will bless our work. If we desire to bring them the joy of Christ which is our strength and help, bring Christ into their homes, He will be with us.If we give them the chance to find Jesus and His loving kindness in us, soon the world will be overflowing with peace and love. Meditations by Padre Pio -Only a general knows how and when to use one of his soldiers. Wait, your turn will come  Archbishop Fulton Sheen -Goodness never needs to be explained "Goodness needs but little explanation, for good is self-propagating and self-explanatory; it is the evil, darkness, and suffering which need St. Faustina's diary  http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html  -Friday, September 13, 1935. In the evening, when I was in my cell, I saw an Angel, the executor of divine wrath. He was clothed in a dazzling robe, his face gloriously bright, a cloud beneath his feet. From the cloud, bolts of thunder and flashes of lightning were springing into his hands; and from his hand they were going forth, and only then were they striking the earth. When I saw this sign of divine wrath which was about to strike the earth, and in particular a certain place, which for good reasons I cannot name, I began to implore the Angel to hold off for a few moments, and the world would do penance. But my plea was a mere nothing in the face of the divine anger. Just then I saw the Most Holy Trinity. The greatness of Its majesty pierced me deeply, and I did not dare to repeat my entreaties. At that very moment I felt in my soul the power of Jesus' grace, which dwells in my soul. When I became conscious of this grace, I was instantly snatched up before the Throne of God. Oh, how great is our Lord and God and how incomprehensible His holiness! I will make no attempt to describe this greatness, because before long we shall all see Him as He is. I found myself pleading with God for the world with words heard interiorly. As I was praying in this manner, I saw the Angel's helplessness: he could not carry out the just punishment that was rightly due for sins. Never before had I prayed with such inner power as I did then.     (474)   MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAYThese thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press. - Jan 19 - Believe and Pray Our Lady once spoke to Mirjana of faith and healing: "Have them believe and pray; I cannot help him who does not pray and does not sacrifice...The more you believe firmly, the more you pray and fast for the same intention the greater is the grace and the mercy of God." (This message was given in the First Years on August 18, 1982.) Jesus also viewed faith as a prerequisite to healing: When he entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, appealing to him and saying, "Lord my servant is lying at home paralyzed in terrible distress." And [Jesus] said to him, "I will come and cure him." The centurion answered, "Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof; but only speak the word, and my servant will be healed." When Jesus heard him, he was amazed and said to those who followed him, "Truly I tell you, in no one in Israel have I found such faith." And to the centurion Jesus said, "Go; let it be done for you according to your faith." And the servant was healed in that hour.(Mt 8:5-8,10,13) Reflection: Both Our Lady of Medjugorje and St.Matthew draw a strong parallel between faith and healing. Mary asks the sick "to believe and pray; I cannot help him who does not pray and does not sacrifice." And Matthew reports that, "Jesus said to the officer, "Go home, and what you believe will be done for you." An expectant faith, a deep trust in the power of God, can work miracles in our lives, spiritually as well as physically. In the words of the American religious writer Harry Emerson Fosdick, "It is illness and fear that freeze life; it is faith that draws, thaws it out, releases it, sets it free." Application: Today, pray simply for a deeper and more vibrant faith. Also, commend the sick to Christ and his Mother. Medjugorje Day By Day Jan 18 - PUT INTO PRACTICE THE MESSAGES         Message List  Reply | Forward            Message #373 of 375 < Prev | Next >"I could have passed whole days and nights there [in Eucharistic Adoration] .. . consumed in His Presence like a burning taper, in order to return to Himlove for love"(St. Margaret Mary Alacoque).Let people know about Medjugorje throughThe daily           "Its Time Email" (free)The weekly        "Its Time"  radio broadcast Sat 6-8am MDT 91.3FM or  http://www.cjtr.caThe bi-monthly "Its Time Medjugorje Webpaper" (free)The bi-monthly "Its Time Medjugorje Newspaper" http://ollo.sasktelwebsite.net/Contact   ItsTime@sasktel.net Pope John Paul II - "If I wasn't the pope, I'd be in Medjugorje already!" - Reported April 21, 1989 by Bishop Paul Hnilica, SJ, Auxiliary Bishop of Rome, after having been admonished by the Holy Father for not stopping in Medjugorje on his return trip to Rome from a meeting in Moscow on behalf of the Pope. http://www.medjugorje.org/pope.htm Mother Teresa -   Every time you sacrifice something at great cost every time you renounce something that appeals to you for the sake of the poor you are feeding a hungry Christ.You are clothing His nakedness.You are offering shelter to a homeless Christ. Every time we are concerned about the poor whether they are near or far away we do it all for Him. Meditations by Padre Pio -. Give praise to God alone and not to man; honour the Creator and not the creature. During your life, learn to endure bitterness, in order to participate in the sufferings of Christ.  Archbishop Fulton Sheen -Stream of consciousness lacks conscience! "A civilization can be forgiven for seeing the dark side of evil, but it should examine its conscience when it begins to fear the dark side of the good? The right and normal reaction when one sees a shadow is to think of the light; in fact, the darker the shadow the brighter the light." St. Faustina's diary  http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html  -     O my Jesus, You know, You alone know well that my heart knows no other love but You! All my virginal love is drowned eternally in You, O Jesus! I sense keenly how Your divine Blood is circulating in my heart; I have not the least doubt that Your most pure love has entered my heart with Your most sacred Blood. I am aware that You are dwelling in me, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, or rather I am aware that it is I who am living in You, O incomprehensible God! I am aware that I am dissolving in You like a drop in an ocean. I am aware that You are within me and all about me, that You are in all things that surround me, in all that happens to me. O my God, I have come to know You within my heart, and I have loved You above all things that exist on earth or in heaven. Our hearts have a mutual understanding, and no one of humankind will comprehend this. (478) All my nothingness is drowned in the sea of Your mercy. With the confidence of a child, I throw myself into Your arms, O Father of Mercy, to make up for the unbelief of so many souls who are afraid to trust in You. Oh, how very few souls really know You! How ardently I desire that the Feast of Mercy be known by souls! Mercy is the crown of Your works; You provide for all with the love of a most tender mother.     (505)  MEDJUGORJE DAY BY DAYThese thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.  Jan 18  - PUT INTO PRACTICE THE MESSAGES In her monthly message of August, 1990, Our Lady said: Dear children, today I desire to invite you to take with seriousness and put into practice the messages which I am giving you. You know, little children, that I am with you, that I desire to lead you along the same path to heaven which is beautiful for those who discover it in prayer. Therefore, little children, do not forget that these messages which I am giving you have to be put into your everyday life in order that you might be able to say: "There, I have taken the messages and tried to live them". Dear children, I am protecting you before the heavenly Father by my own prayers (Monthly Message August 25, 1990). In the following passage from scripture, Jesus also calls us to "live the messages" of the gospel: As for what was sown among thorns, this is the one who hears the word, but the cares of the world and the lure of wealth choke the word, and it yields nothing. But as for what was sown on good soil, this is it, who indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundred fold, in another sixty, and in another thirty (Mt.13:22-23). Reflection: Both Christ and Our Lady urge us today to live the message of the gospel(of which the Medjugorje messages are a reflection). They remind us that it is one thing to hear the message, another to act on it. This was the topic of a sermon given in Medjugorje by Fr. Slavko Barbaric in December of 1985: We would be misguided to say, "I will convert tomorrow", or "I will be reconciled tomorrow". Confession is asked of me today, not tomorrow. And so the messages have this meaning: to be committed and awake to God in faith, in our work, in prayer, in belief, in abandoning ourselves to him so that we are open and ready each day to meet him if he should call us to himself. To live the messages also means to live in the Lord's peace, to have safe harbor in turbulent times, and a firm hope in the future, all in the here and now. Application: Are there parts of the gospel message that you have failed to live? Identify one area that you can work on this week.

Posted by realm/blackcatholics at 7:56 PM PST
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