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Sunday, 23 March 2008
Prophecy Meditations HAPPY EASTER!
Topic: Prophecy Meditation

Message to J.N.S.R. Feb.15,2008

The Forgiveness of God  -  Judas

February 15, 2008
JNSR:  "My God, why have You abandoned me?  In all my turmoil, I cried to You, sick, my aching body, bruised from head to toe, alone, always alone, day as well as night."
            As I was thus complaining to JESUS, the image of JESUS appeared before me, flogged, tied with ropes, dragged, streaming with blood, in front of this angry crowd that was there to judge Him.  The Lord said to me:
                           "See, how I am still treated!"  Then I see many dark prisons.  Men crouching, naked, in a deplorable state,  the smell is of sweat and blood.  JESUS says to me:
JESUS:  In these times of desolation, the children of God are still persecuted, hidden where no one can see how far their executioners go, without faith nor law.  Your brothers are dying, suffering martyrdom, and the tyrants are safe behind the absolute Power of those countries with totalitarian governments.
            Yes, and you still hear Me tell you  to forgive your enemies.  And you hear Me say again to My Father:  "Forgive them for they know not what they do".  Then you cry out loudly:  "That is impossible!  For these murderers, there can be no pardon".  And God must continue to free from your hands,  the hands ready to become  murderous,  the  guilty one  who escapes for your own good:  "Thou shall not kill".  
            I will tell you about Judas.  Frightened of being martyred, by his lack of courage, so as not to arrive to the supreme sacrifice for his God, as all the Apostles accepted it (except My John, who was called to serve My Holy Mother to his last breath on this Earth),  Judas sensed the destiny that would eventually be that of the servants as well as that of the Master. 

Through this  fear,  that went beyond his Love for God, and especially to make up for his humiliation, coming from the great deception of his pride, as he hoped to see the Master become the head of this great country, Judas became  the Traitor,  judging that he was betrayed by the One for whom he entertained such a great love and ideal, He who commanded  death itself.  And there he was, at the point of being unable to do anything for him, even when he, Judas, held Him so high.........
            Behold, he decided to let his idol be led to death.
            He took part in  the execution, not for the money but rather out of deception.  Judas   was deceived  and it was JESUS who for him, became  the unfaithful,  the One who betrayed the Love that Judas had for Him.  In his bitterness, he was reversing the roles:  he was the innocent  and JESUS  was the guilty one  who had deceived him so profoundly.
            I have more to tell you.  Did I utter the final sentence against Judas?  Could you know what color was his soul at the time of his last breath?  Which of you, even today could measure My Holy Mercy?
Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.   (Luke 23: 34)
            For each of you, as for Judas, in order to ascend to My Cross, I stripped Myself of My Divinity, in My Suffering, as in My Death.   While the Mighty in My Country,  (My real enemies),
believed they had triumphed and could not acknowledge Me as the Son of God, Judas saw Me, as I was, abandoned by Heaven and Earth. 

Endorsing the pains of  all  Humanity, with all the horrible sins of the World, past, present and to come.   Vanquished by all the sovereigns of Israel and of Rome.  Judas then saw Me as  his brother  in suffering, and he cried his helplessness, seeing all the evil he had himself initiated without being able to remedy it.
            Judas also saw the Father  crying,  out of His helplessness before the Holy Redemption of the World that, to be accomplished, had to carry towards Death, in a Suffering of Love, the most cruel death there is,  the Redemptor,  His own Son.  In order to bring to death all the sins I had taken on Myself,  I had to die on My Cross.   
            Facing all this Evil, and still  in this Evil,  I had to feel all alone and forsaken.  Then I cried to the Father:  "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"
            The Father could not annihilate the Resurrection, all His children had to profit by it.  Everything had to be accomplished, the Salvation of man was at that price.   The Father had to let His Son die,  God had to die and rise again.
No one is excluded from the Love of God.
            If the Pope forgave the man who tried to kill him, if that murderer was forgiven by My Vicar, John Paul II, how would the Master, the Source of Love and Intelligence, He who taught His Apostles that  He is the Way, the Life and the Truth,  how could I, your Lord JESUS Christ judge My comrade, My misguided brother?
            God IS Love.  The separation cannot come from God.  It is unilateral, for only man can sin and love all at the same time.
            God lets Himself be touched  by all your Masses for the World Repentance,  for all those who do not yet repent for their sins.  God will forgive you.  His forgiveness can be  general.  Insist on this!
The Absolution opens the door to God's Peace.

JESUS Christ.
† †  †
JNSR:  After this writing, JESUS said to Me:  " What about you?  Would you know how to forgive and endure everything for the Love of your God?"                                                                             
†  †  †


Message to J.N.S.R.Feb.12,2008

Silence is Gold

February 12, 2008
JESUS:  When the Lord's Messenger is under attack from outside sources,  he receives a signal from God bringing him to a stop.  He must remain silent for a while.
God speaks to the World because of His Love
for His children.
            The choice of God is not negotiable.  Why did gold and precious stones remain hidden in wastelands or wild soils of the planet?  Why are the Messages like those lands sometimes?  And why so much doubt and judgment against them?
            Those are not the ones that are inaccessible,  it is God.  Confusion is Evil's weapon.  And judgment is the weapon of the weak who contributes to the undoing of God's Work.
You cannot go back, nor can you set God's Time back.
            But you can make this moment more difficult for some.  The Words of the Messenger are human words used on this Earth.  In themselves, with their intonation, their modulation, they will not adapt to every kind of listeners.  So, you must try to find, in them,  My Word.  Even if the Instrument is not pleasing to some.   In them try to find  the reason why  they are interested in coming to you.
            For the Messengers also know your thoughts, and come to relay to you what they have kept preciously in their heart:  My Holy Word offered to you in My Love for all.
They are your servants.  Do not despise them.
They only ask you to listen.
The Word of JESUS Christ.
† †  †

Message From Mother Mary Thru Lec- March 20, 2008

Message From Mother Mary March 20, 2008
6:50 AM

Son, I have always something to tell you but our respect for your time and your
free will so as to allow you to do more in the exercise of mercy and love
compelled me and my Son Jesus to give you the freer use of your time, so I too
said goodbye not too long ago.

But now I see how you still yearn for the love of a Mother as your own mother is
no longer around to talk to you. For this reason alone, I have come back, for I
see your willingness and availability to offer your time and energy to be at our
disposal which in itself can be considered as your free will choice already,
hence, I can say that your free will is never violated. I am very happy for
your offering which is no other than your very self.


On this account, let me
once more open my line of communication with you although the Father has not at
all ceased communicating with you.

Therefore my son, let me say once more, your mother is here once again to
console you with my motherly love and affection.

Message Reception Ended: 7:00 AM Duration: 10 Minutes

Ellen Renders Good Friday Meditations (Good for any Holy Sacrifice of the Mass)

Good Friday, March 21, 2008


This morning I wanted to spend time with Jesus remembering His suffering and
death on the Cross for us and offer up my own internal suffering to be united
with Him. There will be no Mass until 3:00 P.M.

Thinking about my younger 58 year old brother today who has 85% blockage of his
tiny arteries and veins where they cannot do a Bypass or even stent, I am very
saddened. He attends Mass everyday and he and his wife have been raising two
grandchildren born to their drug addicted daughter.

While sitting there with Jesus, I picked up Meditations For Holy Week and moved
to the page containing meditations for Good Friday and felt moved to share this
with all.

Good Friday

Luke:23:24: Father forgive them; they do not know what they are

Luke 23:43; I assure you, this day you will be with me in paradise!

Luke 23:46: Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.

Meditation: What person could face death, a brutal agonizing death,
with words such as these: begging forgiveness for others, promising paradise to
the sinner and complete resignation of will to God! Truly, only you, Divine Son
of God Savior of the world!

In my humility I ask too, that you remember me as you reign in heaven. May my
life on earth follow your words, your example, that I may be found worthy to
share in your kingdom. Be close at the hour of my death, dear Jesus that I may
face you with courage and acceptance of the will of God.

Discernment: I was reminded in the last words, May I face you with courage and
acceptance of the will of God how all too often we pray for God to cure the sick
and perform healing over the body that we or our loved ones might remain in the
world as we are so attached to the world. Jesus often reminds us that it is our
Soul that He came to earth to heal and to save. Jesus reminds us to face our
death with acceptance and courage. Our faith in His promise to share eternity
with Him in paradise (just as He promised the sinner on the Cross next to Him),
should become our joy and salvation!

Share your sorrow and anguish with Jesus. Offer up your suffering and accept the
will of God in trust.

Good Friday, LESSONS, Divine Mercy Novena, Prayers...

LESSONS from Our Lord Revisited - Release 66

A link to the 66th release of the revisited LESSONS from Our Lord from the I AM
your Jesus of Mercy series is:

Volume IV, Lesson 65 - My Father's Judgment...

&comm=0&list_code_int=NEW02-INT )

Novena to the Divine Mercy

Join us as we begin the Novena to the Divine Mercy in preparation for Mercy
Sunday, March 30, 2008:"

The Novena... ( http://www.ewtn..com/devotionals/mercy/novena.htm )

The Indulgence... ( http://www.ewtn.com/devotionals/mercy/indulgence.htm )

The Feast of Divine Mercy... ( http://www.ewtn.com/devotionals/mercy/feast.htm )

All About the Divine Mercy Devotion... (
http://www.ewtn.com/devotionals/mercy/index.htm )

The Litanies of the Passion & Holy Cross

The Litany of the Passion... (
http://www.catholictradition.org/Passion/litany-passion.htm )

Litany of the Holy Cross... (
http://www.catholictradition.org/Litanies/litany24b.htm )

Good Friday - What did Our Lady feel? - & Stations of the Cross

When my Son died on the Cross, my heart was torn from Him, and I was in shock.
There was complete emptiness in me. I was numb. When I received my Son in my
arms, all my emotion poured out; then there was nothing left in me. I wanted to
die with Him. In my heart, I did; but I had to remain on this earth for you."
(OLOE, April 15, 2007 - Full Text... -
d=When%20my%20Son%20died%20on%20the%20Cross )

Holy Week and the Glorious Resurrection
Our Lady of Emmitsburg

The Final Chapter - Don't miss this inspiring 9-minute video!...

( http://www.prourladyofemmitsburg.org/images/TFC_Entire_2.0.wmv )

Stations of the Cross - Beautifully done 13-minute video!...

V_640.wmv )

Pope Benedict XVI Monthly Prayer Intentions - March 2008

Join in praying daily for the March 2008 monthly intentions of our Holy Father:

FORGIVENESS: That all may understand the importance of forgiveness and
reconciliation between individuals and peoples and that the Church may spread
Christ's Love.

THE PERSECUTED: That Christians who are persecuted because of the Gospel may be
sustained by the Holy Spirit and continue to bear witness to the Word of God.

DAILY OFFERING PRAYER - O Jesus, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of
Mary, I offer You my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day in union
with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. I offer them for all
the intentions of Your Sacred Heart: the salvation of souls, reparation for sin,
and the reunion of all Christions. I offer them for the intentions of our
bishops and of all Apostles of Prayer, and in particular for those recommended
by our Holy Father this month.

Our Lady of Emmitsburg Monthly Marian Prayer Service
Lynfield Event Complex, April 6, 2008

Come pray the Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy at the Our Lady of Emmitsburg
Monthly Marian Prayer Service from 3PM-5PM. (Our Lady has been giving her
monthly message to the world at this service. All are welcome.

Fr. Edward O'Connor, CSC, author of the new bestselling I Am Sending You
Prophets will speak at this Prayer service. His new book will be available
afterwards and he will do a booksigning.

pass the word around).

More Info...

Our Lady of Emmitsburg Monthly Marian Prayer Service
Lynfield Event Complex, May 11, 2008

Come pray the Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy at the Our Lady of Emmitsburg
Monthly Marian Prayer Service from 3PM-5PM. (Our Lady has been giving her
monthly message to the world at this service. All are welcome.

More Info...

( http://www.centeroftheimmaculateheart.org/messages/messages_current_events.asp

Visit: www.centeroftheimmaculateheart.org & www.prourladyofemmitsburg.org

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Posted by realm/blackcatholics at 8:44 AM PDT
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