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Friday, 2 May 2008
Prophecy Meditations
Topic: Prophecy Meditation

Medjugorje Day By Day May 03 - THANK YOU FOR ADORING

"Together they devoted themselves to constant prayer" (Acts 1:14)."Mary can guide us towards this most holy sacrament, because she herself has a profound relationship with [the Eucharist]" (53). Give prayers, pamphlets, or pictures of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament to parishioners to pray for an increase in Adoration throughout the world!

Mother Teresa

What I do you cannot do; but what you do, I cannot do. The needs are great, and none of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.

Meditations by Padre Pio -

Beautiful Mother, you are so beautiful. If it were not for faith, men would think you were a goddess. Your eyes are more resplendent than the sun, you are beautiful Mother, I glory in it, I love you. Please help me.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen

We can't be perfect all the time!

"The good sometimes do wrong. Let us face it. And when they do wrong it is not the same as the evil who do wrong. Evil is an exception in the life of the good; it cuts across the long road of their life as a tangent. But with the evil, good is an exception.


A master pianist may hit a wrong note, but everyone still knows him to be a good pianist. A beginner may hit a right note, but everyone knows that he is not a good player."

St. Faustina's diary <http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html> -

Toward the end of the first year of my novitiate, darkness began to cast its shadow over my soul. I felt no consolation in prayer; I had to make a great effort to meditate; fear began to sweep over me. Going deeper into myself, I could find nothing but great misery.


I could also clearly see the great holiness of God. I did not dare to raise my eyes to Him, but reduced myself to dust under His feet and begged for mercy. My soul was in this state for almost six months. Our beloved Mother Directress [Mary Joseph] encouraged me in these difficult moments. But this suffering became greater and greater.

The second year of the novitiate was approaching. Whenever I recalled that I was to make my vows, my soul shuddered. I did not understand what I was reading; I could not meditate; it seemed to me that my prayer was displeasing to God. It seemed to me that by approaching the Holy Sacraments I was offending God even more.


But despite this, my confessor [Father Theodore] did not let me omit one single Holy Communion. God was working very strangely in my soul. I did not understand anything at all of what my confessor was telling me. The simple truths of the faith became incomprehensible to me. My soul was in anguish, unable to find comfort anywhere. (23a)


These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.


To the young locutionist, Jelena, the Mother of God once spoke of Eucharistic adoration:

"Thank you for adoring my Son in the Sacred Host. That touches me very much. I ask you to pray, for I desire to see you happy." (January 26, 1984)

St. Matthew relates on of the first acts of adoration of Jesus Christ:

When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and adored him. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh (Mt. 2:9-11).


Like the Magi, we too have been called to adore the Lord of heaven and earth, not in a manger in Bethlehem, but in the Most Blessed Sacrament.


Indeed, several of the reported miracles in Medjugorje have been related to Eucharistic adoration: the alleged image of Christ sometimes seen at the tabernacle in St. James Church; the disk or host which at times covers the sun, allowing one to look into it for long periods (now commonly known as the "miracle of the sun ", which I have witnessed myself); and the visible rays of grace which some see emanate from the tabernacle at St. James and the adoration chapel.

These phenomena seem to be gifts from the Blessed Virgin to strengthen our faith in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist---God `s most precious gift to his church. Like the Magi, we too cannot approach the Divine without offering gifts of thanksgiving; and for us, these are our unfailing love and fidelity.


Think of the last time you worshipped Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of your home Church. If in has been a while when will you to it next Can you visit the Lord on regular basic


Medjugorje Day By Day May 02 - Pray the rosary

"Let us beseech the Lord to reawaken in us the joy at his presence and that we may once more adore him. Without adoration, there is no transformation of the world" (Pope Benedict XVI).

Meditations by Padre Pio -

Listen, dear Mother, I love you more than all the creatures on earth and in Heaven, after Jesus, of course... but I love you.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen

True sincerity brings out the truth and, as we know, the Truth shall set you free!

"The sincere are those who have an ensemble of virtues, who are equally good at speaking and listening; who have silences, as well as words; who are not opaque like curtains, but transparent like window panes.


They speak, knowing that one day they will have to be judged by God and obliged to give `an account of every idle word.' That makes them love the Truth and because they love it, they are always kind and charitable."


St. Faustina's diary <http://www.marian.org/directory_flash.html> -

Toward the end of the first year of my novitiate, darkness began to cast its shadow over my soul. I felt no consolation in prayer; I had to make a great effort to meditate; fear began to sweep over me.


Going deeper into myself, I could find nothing but great misery. I could also clearly see the great holiness of God. I did not dare to raise my eyes to Him, but reduced myself to dust under His feet and begged for mercy. My soul was in this state for almost six months. Our beloved Mother Directress [Mary Joseph] encouraged me in these difficult moments. But this suffering became greater and greater.

The second year of the novitiate was approaching. Whenever I recalled that I was to make my vows, my soul shuddered. I did not understand what I was reading; I could not meditate; it seemed to me that my prayer was displeasing to God. It seemed to me that by approaching the Holy Sacraments I was offending God even more.

But despite this, my confessor [Father Theodore] did not let me omit one single Holy Communion. God was working very strangely in my soul. I did not understand anything at all of what my confessor was telling me. The simple truths of the faith became incomprehensible to me. My soul was in anguish, unable to find comfort anywhere. (23a)



These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.


Today the Gospa speaks of prayer and the rosary:

"Dear Children, your prayer has helped my plans to be fulfilled. Pray continually for their complete fulfillment. I beseech the families of the parish to pray the rosary." (Weekly Message September 27, 1984).

Prayer is also on Paul's mind in his letter to Philemon:

When I remember you in my prayers, I always thank my God because I hear of your love for all the saints and your faith toward the Lord Jesus. I pray that the sharing of your faith May become effective when you perceive all the good that we May do for Christ. Psalm 1: 4-6


In reflecting on the mysteries of the rosary each day, we are gradually changed into the likeness of Christ. Just as people who have been married for a long time sometimes acquire each other's characteristics, so we acquire the mind and heart of Jesus Christ as we meditate on his life through the rosary.

"The Hail Marys of the rosary," writes Fr. Albert Shannon, "are like background music while you are watching Our Lord's life. Background music helps us when reading and working. We don't pay much attention to the music, but it helps us."


Today, pray the Rosary slowly and meditatively; if you have any literature with the mysteries depicted, use it as a visual aid in staying focused.

Message to Sharon Fitzpatrick April 30,2008












Brides of The Most Blessed Trinity March 29,2008

One Hundred and Eighth Visitation of Our Lady

March 29, 2008 Last Saturday of March Priest's Saturday Theriot, LA U.S.A

Claire Rose wrote:

It is a beautiful day here with a gentle breeze and many clouds. My husband
blessed inside and outside of our home with Holy Water. Pilgrims started coming around 10:30 a.m. and put their petitions in the prayer box. Many went into the Chapel to be silent and pray. No priests were present today. We are blessed by the presence of two holy sisters and two holy brothers.

Early this morning in my bedroom near the ceiling was a snow white cloud.

Our Mother spoke: Heaven comes to earth in this lowly place My child. Today is a special day to be set aside all over the earth as a Day of Prayer for Priests.
I thank you that you have responded to My Call for your life through much
tribulation. You have been given an extra ordinary gift of Peace. One that
brings My Presence to all those I bring to you.

About 11:00a.m. Our Mother spoke to a priest. She later said this message was for all priests. My beloved priest son Father G., I love you! I love you! I love you! You are walking the pathway of the Saints. I am raising up great saints, many great saints in this special time.


Some are called out like the 12 Apostles were. Did they understand Did they have many trials and much tribulation Oh My beloved son, I am with you every moment! Never doubt My Love for you or the love of My Son Jesus. We are together within you and We surround you! Heaven is at home in your precious soul.


Of course the evil one would want to bring you down by besetting you with many distractions and trials. Oh My own son, son of My Immaculate Heart, you belong to Me! Do not let your heart be troubled! I will never ever leave you nor forsake you. When you are most weak, give yourself to Your Mother!


I encompass you within the shelter of My Mantle of Divine Love! I encase you within the confines of My Immaculate Heart! I am Mother of Divine Love because My Son is Divine Love! I am Mother of Divine Mercy because My Son is Divine Mercy. Oh My beloved priest son, when I look upon you I see My own Beloved Son Jesus!


You are a sacred dwelling place where I reside with the Most Holy Blessed Trinity! You are a walking living Tabernacle a holy dwelling place, made more holy, more sacred, more fitting through the path of trial and tribulation! Heaven dwells within you My own priest son. I have great plans for you! Just be patient and walk in PEACE! Many things are being put into place for God's Plan and Purpose! I love you!


I love you! I love you! When you feel bombarded by the world, go to the Tabernacle, take a deep breath and remember who is within you. Together My son there is nothing that you and I cannot overcome. I come to hold you in your lowest moments. Turn to Me! I am always there for you.

Do not be concerned when another tries to bring you down. Let
those who are of the world, whirl! You must be in the world for now My son, for there is where I need you, but you are not of the world and that is your
greatest suffering! Remember, a deep breath, and Peace will return! I am with
you! I love you! I love you! I love you!

Your Mother, Mary Immaculate, Mother of Divine Love!

About 1:00 p.m. I saw St. Michael and Our Mother inside the back door. Later
when I was praying with Jane on the swing, I saw Our Blessed Mother with the
Holy Spirit over Her Heart. I saw Jane with a nun's veil. Then I saw Mother
Angelica very clear.

Around 2:00 p.m. at the Holy Cross for Priests Our Mother asks me to tell
everyone that we have seen Her since early morning. Our Mother asks that we
begin the Rosary for Priests at the Foot of the Holy Cross for Priests.

At the first Joyful Mystery, the Annunciation, Our Mother says: I gather you
together all of My children at the Foot of the Holy Cross for Priests. In time
you will understand. The Holy Well has been restored to you My children. We are in a new beginning here My children in My Consecrated site.

I spoke My Message for today to My beloved priest sons this morning. My beloved children, My Messages to you here in My Sanctuary for Priests will become shortened. I have spoken to you many Words of Love, Encouragement, Direction and Requests.

I see Our Lady all in white. Her Bridal Veil was larger and fuller than any other time that I have seen Her! On Her Head I saw a beautiful gold Crown like the one we associate with Our Lady of Fatima. Then Her Crown became Mother of Divine Love.

At the fifth Joyful Mystery, the Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple
I see many clusters of jewels like wisteria flowers falling upon us gathered
around the Holy Cross for Priests.


I see Our Mother. Her Eyes are filled with Tears. The Tears drop from Her Eyes as jewels of gold upon us. Our Mother says, Next month it will be 9 years that I speak to you from this small and unknown place. My Visitations were supposed to end after 42 Visitations. These were extended because of your response to My Call. My little brides who are consecrated victim souls continue to increase in number.


You are God's gift to the whole Church and to the world at this time in History. You are a Mission of the Sacred and Eucharistic Heart of My Beloved Son Jesus and of My Immaculate Heart. You are a Mission of Love and of Peace! Together and as an extension of the Mission of Divine Mercy and the Marian Movement of Priests, you are called and chosen, Brides of the Most Holy Blessed Trinity, Mission of Divine Love, to and for priests.

To prepare My Son's Church, My Church for the Coming in Glory of My Beloved Son Jesus! All must be made ready in the Church and in the world for the Coming of My Beloved Son Jesus. Go inside My child to pray the rest of the Rosary.

At the second Luminous Mystery, the Marriage Feast at Cana
Our Lady says, Please continue. I see a precious little baby inside His
Mother's Womb. He is surrounded by Gold Light encircled by Red Light. Our Mother says, My children you must continue to pray for My beloved priest sons, even when you are distracted and harassed.


When you continue to pray through disturbance your prayers are more beneficial. Obstacles are allowed to help you grow in holiness and wholeness. Turn all obstacles into stepping stones on the path of holiness. I draw you all closer and closer to My Immaculate Heart. You are all given Grace, much Grace each moment of every day when it is needed.


Just the same as you cannot drink extra water today so you will not thirst tomorrow, it is the same with Divine Grace. You receive Actual Grace to help you each and every moment. You receive Sanctifying Grace to help you on the road of holiness and wholeness, the roadway to becoming a holy saint. My children a saint is born and lives on the earth.


One becomes a saint through life's journey, through joys, suffering, trial, persecution and tribulation. You must do your part My children! I help you each day, each moment, if you ask Me! The trials of this earth are short My children, even if you live to be 100 years old, when compared to eternity. Surrender all to My Immaculate Heart.


My children even though I have spoken to you for 9 years, some of you still pierce My Immaculate Heart. I visit you here in Love! I come to bring to you the Love and Peace of My Beloved Son Jesus. I come to ask you, to teach you how to love one another. This is the Great Commandment!

In no other place have I spoken to you in the way I have spoken to you here!

At the first Sorrowful Mystery, Jesus Agony in the Garden
Our Mother continues, I call upon you to pray, pray, pray and pray more, for My beloved priest sons and for Holy Vocations to the Holy Priesthood. Your prayer, sacrifice and suffering will help to cleanse and sanctify the priesthood, to renew the priesthood throughout My Son's Church. As My priest sons are purified, illuminated and sanctified, the flocks will follow. Seminaries will become holy places once again.

Religious Orders will be cleansed, purified, illuminated and sanctified. The
whole Church will become Holy and Whole in Preparation for the coming of My
Beloved Son Jesus!

My children, I must again caution and correct some of you. I ask you to love,
encourage and support your priests. You are sent to support them not criticize
them or tear them down. Consider for a moment, what will you do if you have no priest Where will you turn if you have no priest There is a serious crisis in
Our beloved Church.

What will you do when your parish has no priest I ask you to ponder My Words and ask for enlightenment from God, Our Father, as to the state of your souls and of Our Church. My children, as the Church goes, so goes the world. Look around you, become aware of all that is happening around you. Do not allow yourself to become sucked into the ways of the world.

You are called to live simply, to live peacefully, to love God above all things and to love one another with holy love! It is a serious offense, a serious sin to continue to criticize your priests.

At the fourth Sorrowful Mystery, Jesus Carries His Cross
Our Mother continues, If you pray for them instead and encourage others to pray for them, this will help them much more than your continual gossip and
criticism. You must confess this as a serious sin and make a firm resolution not to offend God in this way again. If there is a problem speak privately and with love and peace to your priest.


If this and much prayer and sacrifice does not help, go in Peace and Love to speak to your Bishop. Beyond that you have done all that is required of you except for continued prayer and sacrifice. I speak only of a very serious matter, not a trivial matter.


Your priest is a human being, human, weak and suffering. A human vessel, who has feelings! But he is chosen and anointed to sacrifice his whole life for you, for your souls. He is a wounded and suffering servant. He is the true representative of My Beloved Son Jesus. Pray My children that God, Our Father, show you the state of your soul!

At the first Glorious Mystery, the Resurrection of Jesus
Our Mother says, Today I have blessed you with My Tears! You will come to
experience My Sorrow when any one of My priest sons go astray! You will also
come to experience My Sorrow when you pierce My Immaculate Heart when you hurt one of My priest sons!


I see Our Mother in prayer all in white. Near Her Feet is a sea of priests, all dressed in red garments, in my mind, I think, washed in the Blood of the Lambs, Martyrs for us.

At the second Glorious Mystery, the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven
Our Lady says, My children, My brides, a special Feast Day, the Ascension, was chosen by Heaven from long ago to be the day of your Foundation, the Foundation of My blessed work here. You are a Blessed Apostolate with a Mission in My Son's Church.

Three events took place on the day of the Ascension. My Beloved Son Jesus rose to Heaven, Body and Soul, Humanity and Divinity, to dwell at the right Hand of Our Father. On that day He left His Church in the hands of the Apostles, the first priests. The third event was the Angel who announced the 2nd Coming of My Beloved Son Jesus!

As an Apostolate you are commissioned to spread the Good News. The News that God Our Father loves those who are His own in this world and He will cleanse, purify, illuminate and sanctify His Church for you are His own.
Prepare your self, your home, for your example will spread like a ripple that
multiplies and grows. Learn to discipline your mouths. Speak only good and good will multiply.


You are all broken wounded and sinful My children. I give you Love! I give you Peace! Bring what I give to you out into the world. Do not consider that you are more holy than others. You cannot know the complete state of another's soul. Be least among others. I love you My children. I ask you to do all that you can to amend your life.


Turn more and more to Your Immaculate Mother! Make every effort to gain the Grace available to you tomorrow on Divine Mercy Sunday. Remember what is available to you is the washing away of all atonement that you owe for your sins. I leave you in Peace and in Love. I refresh your bodies and your souls. Open your hearts and your souls to receive all that I pour into your hearts and souls.

Our Mother then spoke to us what I understood to be another commissioning:
Become living examples of the Divine Love that is given you this day! This
comes to you from the Most Holy Blessed Trinity, through Your Mother's
Immaculate Hands and Heart. I am the Handmaid of the Lord!
I am your Mother, Lady of the Bayou, Mother of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests
Please pray for My beloved son His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI while he is in
America for his protection and that hearts will be open to his message which
comes from God. This Visitation will mark, will be known as, a turning point in
My Son's Church and in this country, which will help to change the world. Rose I
love you!

End of Claire Rose ____________

March 29, 2008 Last Saturday of March Priest's Saturday Theriot, LA U.S.A

Leslie Therese received: At the Cross, Our Mother speaks:

Welcome to you My beautiful ones! Welcome to My Heart! You are welcome in My Home! I see Blessed Mother all in pure white, Her veil is white silk trimmed in lace, there are diamonds and small white roses in the edges. Each time we
received a breeze, Her veil floats up around Her. She is surrounded by many


St. Michael is on Her right side with his shield and weapons drawn to
protect Our Mother. Then I see thousands of babies and children behind them
both. Our Mother says, These My small ones have been allowed this day to join Me in Heaven. They have all been Baptized in My Son Jesus Blood and brought to Me here, so that I can share this special blessing with My most precious ones, you whom I have brought here each month.

I give you My thanks for your faithfulness in coming to My Call. You who in this faith ask so very little of Me, I bless you with Many graces! I am here for you My children today as never before! You will know My Presence today as never before! I open My Heart completely to you My children! Look to your neighbor and see My Son Jesus there!

My Son Jesus is in each one of you today. I am truly Blessed to know that you My special few hold Him in a special place in your hearts and in your homes.
Continue in your faith My children for you do make a difference. Continue to
pray for My priests as well as your families, for all is possible with prayer
and faith! Give all for My Son as He has done for you!

By His Word and at the request of Our Father, do I come here each month. This little Holy Place will continue to be a Holy Place for My children to visit I give to you a place of Truth, Peace and pure Love that will be built by Faith alone! There will be no judgment here, only renewal! Continue to pray My loves!

Religious: My most blessed little ones, My special children of the cloth, I give
to you ALL that I am! Come, you are pleasing to Me! You fill My Heart to
overflowing! Come and rest in My Love! I will NEVER forget what you have done for Me! Thank you for your yes in wearing your habits. This symbol of your Faith is known in all places of the world as a true sign of your love and devotion to My Son Jesus.


I gather together all of your sisters and brothers in and around Heaven to pray with Us all today in Faith. There are more of you coming and yes, have no fear My loves, they will in time be as strong in their Faith and beliefs as you have been in yours. Continue to pray for your brothers and sisters, continue to pray!

P - , Have Faith My son, by your prayers and the prayers of your family, all is
well. You are blessed beyond even what you may have expected, today he will join Me in Heaven.

L , I love you so very much My precious daughter. In all that you do, My Son
Jesus is Honored and Glorified! Thank you for your yes! You will be healed My
child, as you have been so generous to Me! I give you My All. I love you, Oh how I love you in all of your self-proclaimed imperfections!

S - , You are My special little one who has given yourself completely to your
little family. You have blessed Me beyond belief! There will be healing in your
house! Please continue to pray when you can. Call My Name, call to My Son Jesus!

We are by your side daily. All will be well My daughter, all will be well! I
love you!

R & K - , My Son Jesus shines through the face of your child! You who knew all of this long while what it is to be a true Mother! I am with you in each moment!

Your children surround you at all times. They know how much you wanted them. They know the love of their mother. As you think of them, remember that they are in My Arms and the Arms of your family. Thank you for your yes!

My children, I share with you today, all of the blessings and graces given Me by God, the Father! I bless all marriages and wedding rings, I bless especially all little ones of these! Be good always to your children for they are truly a gift
from Our Lord! I bless all of you today with another Angel of protection. Ask
for guidance, ask to be blessed with True Love.


Continue to pray, pray, pray for My Son's priests daily. Offer all that you can, be good loving and kind to My sons. You who are everything to Me I thank you for coming today and bless you on your journey home. I love you with all that I am. Open your hearts to Me, for I am your Mother, Mother of Divine Love

End of Leslie Therese _____________

March 29, 2008 Last Saturday of March Priest's Saturday Theriot, LA

Received by a bride from another area, Lin

While in prayer around 8:30 the following was received from the Trinity, Good
morning little one. We, Father, Son and Holy Spirit are with you. Our Lady,
Yes, and I am with you little one, as are many Holy Angels and Saints. Oh
little one We thank you for your yes.

Tell J----- We love her and We thank her for all she does for brides. You all, yes all Our brides live in Our Heart, The Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Love beyond your understanding. At this time many are suffering. Our brides prayers help alleviate that suffering. This Mission of Love is for the whole world, My brides.


You are all held in the Heart of God! Mankind was made for God and will not rest until mankind rests in God. Do not worry about whether your brother or
sister rests in God. Look to your own soul and see that it rests in God, then
pray for your brothers and sisters and sow the seed of this Mission of Love to
pray for priests to all your brothers and sisters, one soul at a time!

The Grace will be given, you simply have to persevere and listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit in your hearts. Yes, my brides, listen to the still small voice inside each of you. You will know what to do without a doubt! The Grace will be there My beloveds, simply be quiet and listen. I love you My precious brides, each and every one of you

I love you My children, My little ones who say three Hail Mary's everyday for
priests. I thank you My little children. Dont give up My little ones. Continue
to pray for Our priests every day.


Your prayers My little children are most pleasing to the Most Holy Blessed Trinity. I love you My little ones, Oh how I love you! Know My little ones that I am with you! Your Mother, Mary Immaculate, Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests!

It is a nice day with a little overcast and a good breeze from the south.
Pilgrims started coming around 10:30 a.m. Some came in the Chapel to pray. We gathered outside at the Holy Cross for Priests around 1:45 p.m. Holy Water was sprinkled on all. Our Lady says, Yes, My little ones I am here. We started the 20-decade Rosary for priests at the foot of the Cross for priests.

Our Mother says, Oh My children, much grace abounds as you pray at the foot of the Holy Cross for Our beloved priests. Our Lady is just above us. She comes to us on a cloud. She is all in white with a Crown of flowers on Her Head. Her garments move in the breeze.

At the first Joyful Mystery, the Annunciation
Only Our Lady's head is visible, now Her Torso. As She hovers above us she
blesses each one present. She smiles and says, Oh My children, I am with you. I
join you to all brides all over the world who are praying at this time for Our
beloved priests at My request! You form a endless river of prayer all over the
world. Much Grace comes from all this prayer. Much love comes from all this
prayer. It is part of your footwork My children and My religious! I love you! I
love you! I love you!

At the second Joyful Mystery, the Visitation
Our Mother says, Brother R------, I love you. Thank you for your yes to Me and My Son Jesus. I have a definite plan for you. Keep your precious heart open. You will know what to do with out a doubt. Listen to Me in your heart! Know I am with you! I love you! Yes, you are Mine! You belong to Me! I love you!

At the third Joyful Mystery, the Birth of Jesus
It is very warm at the foot of the Cross for Priests, and every once in a while
a cloud covers the sun and gives us relief, and a cool breeze comes and
refreshes us also. Great, Great Peace is present among all of us. Our Lady says, A gift to all My children who have come such a long way to pray with Me!


Thank you My precious children and religious, thank you! You are truly My loves! Oh My all, as you pray for My priest sons, I pray for all your families before the Most Holy Blessed Trinity with so much LOVE and FERVOR! I Love you My children, My religious! Oh How I love you! Know you are all heard in Heaven before the Most Holy Throne of the Blessed Trinity!

At the fifth Joyful Mystery, the Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple
Our Lady continues, Oh My children, look in your hearts!
Oh My religious, look in your hearts!
Oh My priest sons, look in your hearts!
Oh My all, see where you can make changes in your hearts to become closer and closer to Jesus, My Beloved Son and Me! If you are close to Jesus, you are close to Me! I love you all, each and every one of you. As Mercy Sunday approaches, prepare your hearts to Confess your sins and come with a clean and forgiven heart to receive My Son, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity on this Mercy Sunday.

Receive all the special graces available on this special Sunday of Mercy! My Son Jesus awaits you! Come one! Come all! Come, and be made pure and holy.

At the first Luminous Mystery, the Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the
River Jordan Our Mother says, Oh My children, Oh how I love to hear the Rosary in all languages! It soothes My Heart with all the Love that is pouring up to the Throne of the Most Holy Blessed Trinity from all of your hearts.

The Holy Rosary, when prayed from the heart cannot be surpassed in sincerity. The devil cannot stand to hear the Rosary prayed from the heart. He has to leave. There are Holy Angels all around us in all different sizes. Now I see Holy Angels ministering to priests at the altar! Most humbling!

At the second Luminous Mystery, the Marriage Feast at Cana
We came in from outside at the Foot of the Priest's Cross at Our Lady's request
and continued the Rosary in the Chapel. The whole area was blessed with Holy
Water! Our Lady says, Touch the person on your left! That person is receiving a healing!

Touch the person on your right! That person is receiving a healing!
Much HEALING is happening here today to all present! Oh My children, open your heart, yes, open your hearts as wide as possible, and receive all I wish to give you, HEALING, PEACE, GRACE and LOVE beyond your understanding!

M-----, My daughter, My special bride, it seems to you nothing is happening in
your soul! Do not be deceived My little one! Much is being healed in your soul!
Do not be fooled by appearances! I love you My daughter, I love you! Thank you for your yes! I am taken away to a place of REFRESHMENT, LIGHT, AND PEACE!

At the fourth Luminous Mystery, the Transfiguration of Jesus
Our Mother says, Oh My children, your hearts are becoming closer and closer to Me and when your hearts become closer to Me, they become closer and closer to My Beloved Son Jesus. The Rosary being prayed from the heart, Oh what a glorious prayer! It is welcomed in Heaven by all!

Oh My priest sons, I love you! So much LOVE is coming to you from this Mission of Love for all of you and for all of My children. When We have HOLY PRIESTS, all My children have your good example to be holy! Oh My priest sons, your responsibility is great! Much prayer is needed for you to continue on a holy path! Much prayer is needed for My youth to listen to the call of My Son Jesus in their hearts!

At the fifth Luminous Mystery, the Institution of the Eucharist and the
Priesthood Our Lady says, Oh My Youth, yes, I am asking much of you! Open your hearts My Youth! Do not ignore the call of My Son Jesus in your hearts to respond to His Service as priests or religious! You are needed to cooperate with this call My Youth, as you are being called into service of the Most Holy Blessed Trinity.

A call not to be handled lightly! Nurture it My Youth! Nurture the call if it is happening to you! You will not be sorry! I love you My Youth and I ask much of you who are being called! A Peace will come with the call and you shall know with out a doubt that you are being called to service. Keep your hearts open My Youth and listen. You hearts will know with out a doubt you are being called!

Our Lady is here as Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests. She is all in a
creamy white Garment with a gold edge around Her Mantle. On Her Head is a Crown with seven points and small crosses on each point. She says, There is no crown without a cross! I now see jewels on Her Crown and they seem to move and are all different colors. Some colors I have never seen before! Our Mother says, Oh My children, these jewels are My holy Priests who have come home to Me after Holy Service to My Son Jesus and Me!


She says to them, A job well done My beloved priest sons! There is a light surrounding Our Lady, a golden white light. Now She is holding Her Son Jesus as a Baby in Her Arms. Baby Jesus Hand is outstretched to all of us. A light, white light comes out of His fingers to all of us, to each and every one of us. Our Mother says, Oh My children, that is GRACE and PEACE and LOVE coming out to all of you, each and every one of you!

Oh how you are loved My children, each and every one of you! I love you! I love you! I love you!

At the fourth Sorrowful Mystery, Jesus Carries His Cross

G-----, you are being filled with Grace, Love, Peace and Strength beyond your
understanding. You are where you are supposed to be. You have been given a rest, a rest directly in My Son Jesus Heart through My Immaculate Heart!

A----, My daughter, I am with you in a very special way in your time of need! I
am teaching you how to take care of yourself in a better way! Do not worry about this. Open your self to the learning I am sending your way! I love you My daughter! Oh how I love you My first bride!

At the fifth Sorrowful Mystery, the Crucifixion of Jesus

Oh My religious brothers and sisters, I love you! You are My Heart! I thank you
each personally for wearing your habits! You give My children courage to see
your devotion and example of love to Me and My Son Jesus! I love you! I love
you! Oh how I love you!

Oh My priest sons, I speak to you last, but not least! My heart bursts with LOVE for you! You bring My Son Jesus to My children in the Confessional and in the Eucharist and, yes, all the rest of the Sacraments! Know how much I LOVE you!

And then Our Lady opened Her Arms outstretched! It seemed without end and said, I love you all this much!

At the first Glorious Mystery, the Resurrection of Jesus
As I sit in front of the picture of Our Lady, Her Eyes become larger and larger
and seem to take all of us inside of them!


All encompassing, complete! Our Mother says, Oh My children, you all, each and every one of you lives in My Heart and My Heart lives inside the Heart of My Son Jesus! I love you! Oh how I love you!

J-----, I love you! I thank you for all you do for Me as a bride, here in
Theriot and all over! I love you! I love you! Oh how I love you! Have courage My daughter! All will be O.K. in time!

L-----, do you think I have forgotten you! Much is happening even though you
dont see it happening! Trust Me on this My little one, My precious dove! I love
you! I love you! Thank you My daughter for listening to Me and My Son Jesus!
Know that I am with you! I never leave you! I love you little one! I love you!

G---, continue to help your parents. Do not be afraid to take responsibility
when it is needed! You will be surprised at how much you can do and will be able to do! Trust My son! Trust!

J----, it does not go unnoticed all you do for LOVE OF ME! I thank you My son! I love you! Know that I Love you!

K------, there will be some changes in your life. Do not be afraid of them! They will be for the better. I love you! I love you! I love you! I am with you My daughter. Know that I am with you!

T----, this is not forever! Have courage My daughter! One day you will
understand better! I know it is hard My daughter. I know about suffering My
daughter! I am praying for you and with you! Oh how I love you!

L-----, you are a good Mom! You will have the strength to continue to be a good Mom and a good wife! I love you My precious daughter! I am with you! Keep your heart and entire being open to My LOVE and HEALING coming your way!


Oh My all, I love you! Thank you for coming together today to pray with Me for Our beloved priests at My request! Much will be happening because of all your sacrifices and prayers. I love you My All and I am with you, each and every one of you!

Your Mother, Queen of Divine Love, Patroness of Priests

End of bride from another area ___________


Posted by realm/blackcatholics at 4:45 PM PDT
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