Topic: Prophecy Meditation
Medjugorje Day By Day May 12 - THE CROSS WAS IN GOD'S PLAN
"The body was prepared for the Son, through Mary's putting herself entirely at the disposal of the Father's will and thus making her body available as the tabernacle" (Pope Benedict XVI).
"For each one of us that marvelous avenue of graces, which began in the Immaculate Conception, runs without a fault or break straight to the Blessed Sacrament.
The one mystery answers to the other; the one illuminates the other; the one completes and consummates the other. The Blood that is in the Chalice is from the living Heart of Jesus.
It was shed in the Passion before it was shed in the Chalice. It had lived long in His Sacred Heart before He shed it; and He took it at the first, with His spotless Flesh, from the Immaculate Heart of Mary; and that it was sinless and stainless there was from the Immaculate Conception.
And so at one end of the avenue is Mary's sinless Flesh, prepared for her as for the Mother of God, and at the other end the sinful flesh of man made immortal and incorruptible by the Flesh of Jesus, Mary's Son, and the sinful soul of man bathed to a glorious purity in the Blood of Jesus, Mary's Son, through the mystery of His sweet Sacrament of love;
and the light that lies ahead, the light we are all approaching, and have not yet attained, the glow and splendour of our heavenly home, it is by the same sweet Sacrament that we shall attain it, and make it ours at last.
So at every mass, and in each communion we look up to the Immaculate Conception. The light of that far-reaching mystery is in our faces on the altar-step.
It beams direct upon us, and so full is it of the same light as the Blessed Sacrament that we seem almost to hear our Mother's voice from that distant fountain, 'Eat, O friends, and drink, and be inebriated, my dearly beloved'" (Fr. Faber).
Praise to the Holy Trinity for giving us so great a Mother! Thank you,
Blessed Mother Mary, for leading us to your Son!
Mother Teresa
There should be less talk; a preaching point is not a meeting point. What do you do then? Take a broom and clean someone's house. That says enough.
Meditations by Padre Pio -
Remember what took place in the heart of our heavenly Mother at the foot of the Cross. She was turned to stone before her crucifies Son, due to the excessive suffering, but you cannot say she was abandoned. On the contrary, she was never loved more that at that moment when she suffered and couldn't even cry.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Money can buy happiness in Heaven if given freely
"Money simply cannot be transferred to the world beyond. Here we come to the purpose of money according to the Savior. Give away money to those who are in need, for by relieving their necessity you will make friends of those who will intercede for the salvation of your soul. Money will not buy Heaven; but it will make friends for us that will help us when we fail. 'Inasmuch as you did it for the least of these My brethren, you did it for Me' (Matthew 24: 40)."
St. Faustina's diary <> -
Once as I was talking with my spiritual director, I had an interior vision-quicker than lightning-of his soul in great suffering, in such agony that God touches very few souls with such fire. The suffering arises from this work. There will come a time when this work, which God is demanding so very much, will be as though utterly undone. And then God will act with great power, which will give evidence of its authenticity. It will be a new splendor for the Church, although it has been dormant in it from long ago. That God is infinitely merciful, no one can deny. He desires everyone to know this before He comes again as Judge. He wants souls to come to know Him first as King of Mercy. When this triumph comes, we shall already have entered the new life in which there is no suffering. But before this, your soul [of the spiritual director] will be surfeited with bitterness at the sight of the destruction of your efforts. However, this will only appear to be so, because what God has once decided upon, He does not change. But although this destruction will be such only in outward appearance, the suffering will be real. When will this happen? I do not know. How long will it last? I do not know. But God has promised a great grace especially to you and to all those...who will proclaim My great mercy. I shall protect them Myself at the hour of death, as My own glory. And even if the sins of soul are as dark as night, when the sinner turns to My mercy he gives Me the greatest praise and is the glory of My Passion. When a soul praises My goodness, Satan trembles before it and flees to the very bottom of hell. (378)
These thoughts for a day are taken from a daily meditation book based on the Messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje by Father Richard J. Beyer, Ave Maria Press.
Referring to the cross of Mt. Krizevac, Our Lady said
"Dear Children, the cross was in God's plan when you built it. During these days especially, go up on the mountain and pray at the foot of the cross. I need your prayers" (Weekly Message August 30, 1984).
Of the cross, Our Lord said:
He called the crowd with his disciples, and said to them, "If any want to become by followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake, and the sake of the gospel, will save it." (Mk 8:34-35).
In one of the Nazi concentration camps of the Second World War, a Polish priest named Fr. Maximillian Kolbe was interred for publishing writings unfavorable to the Third Reich. On one occasion, several prisoners escaped from the compound and the camp commandant, to punish the prisoners, ordered ten of them to die through starvation.
Among the condemned prisoners was a young man who was known to have a wife and children. When the prisoners' numbers were called out, Fr. Kolbe stepped forward and insisted on taking the young man's place. Incarcerated in the death cell, he helped his companions prepare for death. Through the long days, the guards did not hear the usual sounds of pleading and anguish, but the subdued sounds of hymns and prayers. Fr. Kolbe was the last to die, and because he had taken so long, they injected him with poison.
After his death, a picture of Christ on the cross was found scratched with his nails of the wall of his death cell.
In prayer today, reflect on the words of Christ: "Unless a grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies, it remains only a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." (Jn 12:24).
"Then Jesus took the bread, said the blessing, and gave it to them saying,
‘This is My Body, which will be given for you, do this in memory of Me.’"
Luke 22:19
Pentecost Sunday, May 11, 2008
Dear Friends,
We had a short period of sunshine last evening after a cloudy day. It was cool but there was not much wind. We are supposed to have rain today but tomorrow it should be sunny.
I celebrated Holy Mass this morning in the prayer room and a nice group turned up. I will celebrate Holy Mass at 11:00 this morning in the prayer room, as there are people from away who will attend. After the noon meal I will drive to Charlottetown to take the plane in the evening for the USA. I will come back home on May 21 late in the evening. I received many phone calls yesterday from different people who attended the various healing Masses I had in the Province of Quebec and they told me they received a healing. One told me that she found out yesterday that she is free from cancer. Another woman with MS is very much improved and she can walk and she started driving her car again. Others were healed of depression and various pains. The Lord truly loves us.
Here is another passage from the book I am writing on the Holy Eucharist:
"I go to Eucharistic Adoration every week at our parish or at the neighbouring parish. What peace there is kneeling or standing or sitting before the Lord, Our Saviour. The Chapel is a beautiful place to contemplate Him by looking at Him and pondering in our hearts the great miracle of His real presence in the host. Jesus told His Apostles in the Garden of Gethsemane: "So you could not keep watch with me for one hour?" (Matthew 26, 40b) We are called to give at least one hour a week to Eucharistic Adoration and to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. I love to be with Jesus present on the altar and to express to Him my love and to ask Him to strengthen my faith in Him. He is the foundation of my life and without Him I am nothing. I simply want to live for Him. May every breath of mine express to Him my love and my dedication to Him.
A man came to visit me one day and he asked me what the Holy Eucharist meant for me. He wanted to know what I believed with regards to the Eucharist. I answered him without hesitation that the Holy Eucharist is a sacrament instituted by the Lord Jesus, Himself. Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. He is there with His body and blood, soul and divinity as He is now in heaven. He is the One who told us that we have to eat His body and drink His blood in order to have life, eternal life. The Holy Eucharist is the greatest gift the Lord could leave us. This man told me that was exactly what he believed too. He is now a Catholic today and he loves to go and receive the Holy Eucharist.
May the Holy Spirit fill you all today on the great Feast of Pentecost. May He give you strength, courage and all the gifts that come from Him.
Father Melvin
Reading: Acts 2:1-13 <>
P.S. I will be back on May 21st. May the Lord bless you all.
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Prayer Room Schedule*
Holy Mass Wednesday and Saturday 9:30 a.m.
Rosary and Healing Mass usually on first Friday 7:00 p.m.
Marian Cenacle other Fridays of the month 7:30 p.m.
*Schedules may change depending on Fr. Melvin’s commitments.
The Prayer Room is usually open during the day, but we recommend that visitors call ahead.
Fr. Melvin Doucette, M. Afr.
1704 Palmer Road, RR 2
Tignish, PE
C0B 2B0
Tel: 902-882-2004
Email: </ym/Compose?>
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Fr. Melvin Doucette May 10,2008
The Holy Eucharist
Then the Lord said to Moses, I will now rain down bread from heaven for you. Each day the people are to go out and gather their daily portion.' In the evening quail came up and covered the camp. In the morning a dew lay all about the camp, and when the dew evaporated, there on the service of the desert were fine flakes like hoarfrost on the ground. Moses told them, This is the bread which the Lord has given you to eat.' Exodus 16:4 and 16:13 15.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Dear Friends,
Yesterday it was cloudy and windy the whole day. We did not have any rain. Today we have the same temperature and we are supposed to have rain.
I am packing these days for my trip to the USA. I will leave tomorrow. There will be no letter until I come back on May 22. Please pray that this trip may go well. I am looking forward to visit with some dear friends of mine.
In the above quotation from Exodus, the Lord speaks about the manna He gave the people of Israel for forty years in the desert. This is a symbol of the Holy Eucharist and Jesus refers to it in the Gospel of John chapter six. The Lord knows how to give good things to His people.
Here is another quotation from my book, which I am writing on the Holy Eucharist:
There have been very great Eucharistic miracles. I went to Lanciano in Italy twice where I saw with my own eyes the great miracle that happened there. The host changed from the appearance of bread to the flesh. The scientists analyzed a piece of the host that had turned to flesh and they confirmed that it was a part of the heart. The blood in the chalice under the species of wine turned into blood and the scientists found out that it was of type AB, which is prevalent in the Middle East. These miracles happened many years ago.
Something very special happened to me when I was in Africa. I would celebrate Holy Mass at the parish church every day when I was at the parish. For a whole week in 1977, as soon as I finished the consecration of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of the Lord at Mass, an aroma of roses would come from the Sacred Species. I smelled this beautiful scent every day that week. The aroma was very strong and the people who sat in the first pews noticed this phenomenon. One would think that the whole altar was covered with fresh roses. The aroma gave me great joy that the Lord would make Himself present in this way. As soon as I drank the Precious Blood and put the ciborium back into the tabernacle, the aroma would go away. After a day or so, some of the people came to me to ask where the aroma of flowers came from and if I smelled it at the Mass.
I told them that I was aware of this and the aroma came from the chalice and from the Sacred Host. In this way, Jesus made Himself known to the senses that He was in the Holy Eucharist.
Father Melvin
Reading: John 6:32 33
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Prayer Room Schedule*
Holy Mass Wednesday and Saturday 9:30 a.m.
Rosary and Healing Mass usually on first Friday 7:00 p.m.
Marian Cenacle other Fridays of the month 7:30 p.m.
*Schedules may change depending on Fr. Melvin's commitments.
The Prayer Room is usually open during the day, but we recommend that visitors call ahead.
Fr. Melvin Doucette, M. Afr.
1704 Palmer Road, RR 2
Tignish, PE
C0B 2B0
Message of April 25, 2008
"Dear children! Also today, I call all of you to grow in God’s love as a flower which feels the warm rays of spring. In this way, also you, little children, grow in God’s love and carry it to all those who are far from God. Seek God’s will and do good to those whom God has put on your way, and be light and joy. Thank you for having responded to my call."
Fr. Melvin Doucette May 9,2008
The Holy Eucharist
Friday, May 9, 2008
Dear Friends,
A thirst is my soul for God, the living God.
When shall I go and behold the face of God?
(Psalm 41:2,3)
It rained all day yesterday and it was cool. It is still cloudy this morning but it is clearing up in the west. We should see the sun today now and then. The snow is all gone around here and the grass is green around the houses.
I am home after a lovely two weeks in the Province of Quebec. The weather was very cooperative and we had warm days. There is still snow in some places but it is fast disappearing. I will have a Healing Mass this evening in the prayer room at 7:30 p.m. and we will pray the rosary before Mass at 7:00 p.m. As you know I am writing a book on the Holy Eucharist and I would like to give you during these days some passages from this book. I believe it is important to have a deep faith in the Holy Eucharist and to take part in Holy Mass every Sunday and during the week if it is possible.
Here are a few quotations from that book:
What an honour for the human race that God came to live among us and took a body like us! What an uplift for poor human beings to be redeemed by the Son of God! We will never be able to attempt to compare the love that God has for us and our poor response to Him. Jesus went to the limit to show us His love. He suffered atrociously during His Passion and died on the cross in great torment to take away our sins. We cannot thank Him enough for all He did for us. Let us spend time in adoration every week to show our love for Him and to thank Him.
Another wonderful gift that comes from Jesus is His indwelling in our hearts. If we repent of our sins, Jesus will come and make His abode in us. In fact the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity will inhabit our heart. The indwelling is a marvelous doctrine of the Church and it is founded on the Gospels. By the indwelling we are filled with the greatest gift that we can receive on earth. We are to submit our wills to God so He can lead us along the right path. We will come to Jesus in our hearts often and we will express our love for Him and we will ask Him for all our needs. Only serious sin can chase away the Lord from our hearts. However, if we repent, the Lord will return to His home in us. Jesus loves to live in a warm heart full of tender love for Him. We will not forget even for a day that He dwells in us.
May the Lord bless you all and fill you with His love. Let us continue to pray for one another.
Father Melvin
Reading: John 17, 1- 26 <>
P.S. I am home only until Sunday when I leave for the USA. I will return only on May 21st. May the Lord bless you.
Our Lady of All Nations littlest of servants May 8, 2008
When My SON walked the earth and spoke, HE spoke plainly. HIS words meant what they said. There were no hidden meanings. They are to be understood in the simple manner they were used. Direct and to the point.
It is sad that many today try to pretend that HE did not REALLY mean what HE said. He truly is the only, THE TRUTH, THE WAY, AND THE LIGHT. It is by HIS NAME AND HIS NAME ONLY THAT YOU CAN BE SAVED. MY CHILDREN THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO SALVATION EXCEPT THROUGH MY SON!!
Looks Like the Tribulation has Indeed Started - Lec
THE death toll in cyclone-ravaged Burma could hit 500,000
THE death toll in cyclone-ravaged Burma could hit 500,000 more than TWICE the
total killed by the Boxing Day Tsunami.
Last night's warning came as it emerged that 17 Britons, including ex-pats and
backpackers, were still missing.
Sources said 200,000 people were already dead or dying.
But the figure could rise to HALF A MILLION through disease and hunger if the
nation's hardline army rulers continue to block aid for the devastated lowlands
of the Irrawaddy Delta.
That would dwarf the 230,000 deaths across South East Asia in the
2004 catastrophe.
Nyo Ohn Myint, of exiled opposition party The National League for Democracy,
told The Sun at a border crisis centre: "Much of this will be a man-made
disaster, caused by the military regime.
"The bodies need to be collected and burnt as soon as possible or disease will
claim many more lives. But the government has organised nothing and its 400,000
soldiers are doing nothing while undistributed aid piles up.
The bodies need to be collected and burnt as soon as possible or disease will
claim many more lives. But the government has organised nothing and its 400,000
soldiers are doing nothing while undistributed aid piles up.
They are hoping bodies will be washed out to sea so the final count is smaller
but it could kill half a million people within a matter of weeks. The world
must know what is going on."
Disaster struck on Saturday when 120mph Cyclone Nargis forced ashore waves up to
20ft high. The Irrawaddy town of Labutta population
80,000 was wiped off the map.
Local doctor Aye Kyu told how families clung to trees as their homes were swept
He said: "I asked survivors how many there were left. They said about 200."
A spokesman for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Aid said:
"The entire lower delta region is under water.
Teams are talking about bodies floating around. This is a major, major
The UN World Food Programme said up to a million may have been left homeless in
the vital "rice bowl" farming region alone.
In the city of Bogalay, 95 per cent of homes are thought to have been destroyed.
In the township of Dedaye, south of the main city Rangoon, desperate kids
scavenged among the debris of their homes for anything useful to survival.
On the outskirts of Rangoon forlorn families, including a mother cradling her
screaming baby, queued for emergency handouts of rice.
In Britain, International Development Secretary Douglas Alexander told MPs the
situation was "grave".
The UK has so far pledged more aid than anyone, announcing a �5million package
to be channelled through the UN.
Charities Save the Children, Oxfam and the British Red Cross have also swung
into action.
But most of the aid is yet to be distributed because of the secretive Burmese
junta, led by ruthless General Than Shwe.
His isolationist regime is paranoid an influx of foreigners might have a
political impact on a national referendum due tomorrow, set to strengthen the
army's grip still further.
Just four of the air force's 80 helicopters have been used to move food, water
and medical shipments.
Meanwhile, many desperately needed supplies remain in neighbouring countries
awaiting clearance, along with aid workers denied visas.
Aid packages which have made it to Rangoon Airport were still on the tarmac.
There were fears that some could be stolen and sold on by corrupt officials.
Mark Farmaner, director of Burma Campaign UK, insisted: "We can't wait for them
any more.
"The Security Council must pass a resolution for aid delivery now.
"We need to see the British, French and US navies begin delivering assistance.
Every extra day lost is causing the deaths of yet more innocent victims."
The Burmese embassy in London claimed aid workers were not being allowed in
because of fears for their safety.
An official said: "The Irrawaddy Delta region is hard to travel at the best of
times. Once it is safe, we want more in the country as soon as possible."
[link to]
Updated: Sunday, 11 May 2008 6:39 PM PDT
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