Topic: Prophecy Meditation
Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book by James Wesly Smith, 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from
Anatolius of Alexandria, Bishop. I was born in Alexandria, and eventually became a bishop. Long before the renaissance, or so-called the Age of Enlightenment, I was known a a scientist ,philospher. teacher and writer of mathmatics. I guided the School of Aristotle at Alexandria, Kemet school of philosophy. My curriculum was based on Aristotle’s methods. I was humbled by St. Jerome commented favorably on my writing efforts. I served in the local government. God allowed me to maintain my humility. But I still had faults. I loathed ignorance, teaching many who received the little knowledge I had. I understood and taught geometry, physics, rhetoric, dialectic, astronomy, and philosophy. In 263 A.D. rebels fought against Rome. Alexandria was seiged, Starvation was rampant. As I had served in Alexandria government positions, I successfully meditated with Roman military authorities, allowing the sick and elderly to leave the besieged city. I negotiated a pass for children, women, the sick and elderly out of the area. But because of the war, I left Alexandria, traveling to Caesaria in Palestine, and then to the Council of Antioch. On the way to the Council of Antioch through Laodicea, I was offered post of bishop there staying 15 years. While there, a local bishop died, and I was appointed to the episcpate in Laodicea, Syria, serving 15 years. I died in 283 A.D. 3 July. I died in 283 A.D. 3 July. BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II
Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PTlII
Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,
Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt I
Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt II
Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I
Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I I
More Black Catholic, Black Saints resources BLACK CATHOLICS, BLACK SAINTS; Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful) See FATHER MELVIN DOUCETTE The Gift of Faith Tuesday, July 08, 2008 Dear Friends, "Alleluia. Praise the Lord, all you nations; glorify him all you peoples! For steadfast is his kindness toward us, and the fidelity of the Lord endures forever." Psalm 117 I continue giving you the words of Our Lord addressed to "Anne". She has conversations with the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. Jesus told her these words, "My children, I am working through you. I am using you as healing instruments. Your world is sick and suffers from a disease far worse than any disease of the body. The very soul of your world struggles now to find the healing it requires. And I am here. I intend to heal your world. I want you to be joyful representatives of your Eucharistic Jesus. The Eucharistic Jesus calls out to His children in firmness. I call you each by name and I say to you, 'It is time to return to Me.' Come to Me, waiting in the tabernacle, and I will reveal Myself to you in such a way that you will have no doubts. You will be glad in your heart and peaceful in your soul. Rest near the Eucharistic heart of your Savior and you will be granted everything you need. Faith is a gift, My dear one. I wish to give this gift to you, but you must turn to Me so that I may. My heart beats only with love for you. I can promise you that I will not reproach you. I will help you understand that only joy and light is suitable for a child of God. You will return to Us one day. Let Us make that the most joyful day of your life." Jesus calls us who believe in Him to pray for those who do not believe that they may receive the great gift of faith and become His friends. Let us pray one decade of our rosary every day for those who live in darkness not knowing the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Let us always be ready to give an explanation for what we believe. Let us share with them how important it is for us to believe and to follow Jesus. May the Lord bless you all. Father Melvin Eucharistic Adoration Monday, July 07, 2008 Dear Friends, Here is a short reading from John 6: 47 51: Jesus said, Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life. Your ancestors ate the manna in the desert, but they died; this is the bread that comes down from heaven so that one may eat it and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world. I got good news from my trip in the USA. Two people received a healing in Maine and another received a healing at the Healing Mass at the little shrine on Friday. Our Lord shows His great love by healing the sick. I have finished with the book of Dr. Bob Rice. Now I will refer to a holy lady who wrote a book called Conversations with the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus'. Here is a quotation from this book: Today I wish to direct attention, once again, to the hectic pace of the modern world. Children, come and sit with Me in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. I am in every tabernacle throughout the world. Think of one now, and picture Me there... I am truly there. 'What does He do?' you might ask. I tell you, My child, I am not bored. I think about you. I worry if you are far away. I suffer if you have chosen worldly paths and you are endangering your soul. I am sad each day if there is no hope of a visit from you. I ask My Father to have mercy on you. I direct My angels to watch over you in the hope that someday you will return to Me. My child, how often during your day do you think of me? You are thinking of Me now, as you read these words. So while your mind is resting upon Me, let me tell you that I love you. I want only your happiness. I can help you in everything. I can solve your problems and heal your wounds. My child, come and sit before the Eucharist in any tabernacle. My graces and blessings will flow out to you. I want you to sit and soak in the silence. You may close your eyes there and I will fill your precious head with a stream of heavenly thoughts. I have so much to share with you. I have seen every injury you have experienced. I longed to comfort you. Let me comfort you now. Let us take these words of Jesus to heart and spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Eucharist at least once a week. He will surely bless us with His love and peace. Father Melvin June 18, 2008 Jesus said: “My people, you are now enduring the seven seals of Revelation which includes the four horsemen of Revelation (Chap. 6). You have seen some wars and worse ones are to come. In addition to this red horse of war, you will soon see the black horse of famine and the pale-green horse of pestilence. Other seals involve the martyrs for their faith, and great signs in the sky that will bring earthquakes and comets. The last of these seals is the sealing of the crosses by My angels on the faithful on their foreheads. This is the cross that you will see on My faithful people during the tribulation. The coming trumpets of My angels will be the most severe with the destruction of two-thirds of humanity and the coming of the two witnesses. These are the ominous signs that you are seeing that are being carried out according to St. John’s prophesy. Many people dying in these natural disasters in America, China, and Myanmar are a punishment for abortions, homosexual acts, and trading in human flesh. Floods, fires, earthquakes, and typhoons are the instruments that could bring about famines and pestilence that you will be seeing more of in the future. Nations have to be cleansed of their sins, even as people need to be pardoned of their sins in Confession. Be prepared for these events that are leading up to the declaration of the Antichrist in the time of tribulation.” Some water levels are going down, but with the present saturation, it may require a month or more to dry out. Every storm that comes through now will postpone any drying out. If the farmers cannot harvest what is left, then their losses could even be higher. Continue to pray for drier fields and less rain so there will be something left to harvest. Many farmers cannot afford these large losses, so they will be coming to the taxpayer to try and get enough subsidy so they can plant again next year. Not only will the farmers take some losses, but your people will be suffering higher food prices where your crops are affected, as well as some shortages. You are seeing the growing potential for the coming world famine as continuing natural disasters are occurring all over the world. Pray to Me for your needs and I will be at your side to provide for you.” June 15, 2008 God the Father said: “I AM came today to bless all of the people at Mass, especially all of the fathers in taking care of their families. It is sad with divorces and living together that too many children are being raised without father images. All fathers need to call on My help in keeping their jobs and supporting their families both financially and spiritually. The women are usually more religious, but the fathers should make more of an effort in coming to Sunday Mass, and praying every day. In the reading it is mentioned how I brought the Israelites to the promised land in the Exodus. I am the same protector of My people today and I will be there to provide for you and protect you in the coming modern day Exodus during the tribulation. Consider this day as one of My feast days because many tend to forget Me in their prayers. It was My Son, Jesus, who taught you to pray to Me in the ‘Our Father’ prayer. I brought about creation of all that you see before you. So remember all Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity when you are praying to God.” You have seen several blackouts in the Northeast and the weather this year has been very severe. The fireworks were sent off near July 4th for some light and a comfort to the people that all was normal. These natural disasters are happening frequently, and you have seen power outages before with lightning striking power transformers. These events will continue to threaten America along with terrorism attempts. Be prepared this year for many trials that everyone will have to endure in prayer.” Written by admin · Filed Under Messages | Comments Off June 16, 2008 Jesus said: “My people, at times people are a little down, as King Ahab, when they cannot have their own way. It is the devious behavior of Jezebel that is an evil response to this situation with Ahab not getting his vineyard. To trump up charges against your neighbor and have them killed for your own gain is truly evil and worthy of My judgment against such people. You already have less severe laws that allow governments to condemn someone’s land and sell it to developers to make more property taxes. This method of making up false stories for people to start wars has been the standard ruthless behavior of the one world people for almost every war that you have been involved in. This is why people should be more against war, or at least seek to examine the truth of the causes. In the Gospel I asked My people not to fight these evil ones, but leave their judgment up to My justice. In the same way, let My angels protect you and I will destroy the evil ones in the coming tribulation. Be always loving and do not let Satan disturb your spiritual peace.” Pray for people who have such gifts that they can discern any demons trying to pose as souls in purgatory. In this same book the old lady could tell the difference in one account when demons came to her. You also know of people with locutions and apparitions. Again My Church is cautious in testing all visionaries and the authenticity of their messages. Every time that you receive a message, you need to test the spirit for the truth. Gifts to receive messages from the deceased at their funeral are another openness to receive the last words of that soul to their family. At times you also receive a knowledge of where they are being judged. All of these gifts are a help to understand My judgments, and how souls do go to heaven, purgatory, or hell when their body dies. Your soul lives on forever because it is immortal, but your body only lives here a short time and dies. Follow My Commandments and give yourself over to My Will, and you will find your reward in heaven.” Written by admin · Filed Under Messages | Comments Off June 18, 2008 Jesus said: “My people, you are now enduring the seven seals of Revelation which includes the four horsemen of Revelation (Chap. 6). You have seen some wars and worse ones are to come. In addition to this red horse of war, you will soon see the black horse of famine and the pale-green horse of pestilence. Other seals involve the martyrs for their faith, and great signs in the sky that will bring earthquakes and comets. The last of these seals is the sealing of the crosses by My angels on the faithful on their foreheads. This is the cross that you will see on My faithful people during the tribulation. The coming trumpets of My angels will be the most severe with the destruction of two-thirds of humanity and the coming of the two witnesses. These are the ominous signs that you are seeing that are being carried out according to St. John’s prophesy. Many people dying in these natural disasters in America, China, and Myanmar are a punishment for abortions, homosexual acts, and trading in human flesh. Floods, fires, earthquakes, and typhoons are the instruments that could bring about famines and pestilence that you will be seeing more of in the future. Nations have to be cleansed of their sins, even as people need to be pardoned of their sins in Confession. Be prepared for these events that are leading up to the declaration of the Antichrist in the time of tribulation.” Not only will the farmers take some losses, but your people will be suffering higher food prices where your crops are affected, as well as some shortages. You are seeing the growing potential for the coming world famine as continuing natural disasters are occurring all over the world. Pray to Me for your needs and I will be at your side to provide for you.” Written by admin · Filed Under Messages | Comments Off June 18, 2008 Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel today is trying to teach you humility and not to be seeking fame and notoriety. I talked about some people who perform holy acts purposely in public to be seen, but their hearts are far from Me. These people have already received their reward here on earth. Some people perform their actions for their own benefit, instead of performing them for Me and My greater glory.
Fr Doucette - Eucharistic Adoration - Mon, July 07, 2008
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Prayer Room Schedule*
Holy Mass Wednesday and Saturday 9:30 a.m.
Rosary and Healing Mass usually on first Friday 7:00 p.m.
Marian Cenacle other Fridays of the month 7:30 p.m.
*Schedules may change depending on Fr. Melvin's commitments.
The Prayer Room is usually open during the day, but we recommend that visitors call ahead.
Fr. Melvin Doucette, M. Afr.
1704 Palmer Road, RR 2
Tignish, PE
C0B 2B0
<P>John Leary Messages Repost (Fair use, for those in the African Diaspora who would not be exposed to such, 17 U.S.C.)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Jesus said: “My people, the flooding in the Midwest still has to travel down the Mississippi River where there will be further damage. Sunday, June 15, 2008: (Father’s Day)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a darkness over New York City indicating a night scene, but also an absence of power to run the lights. There will be some strong storms around New York that could cause a power outage. Monday, June 16, 2008
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen various people who have been given special gifts. Some can speak to the souls in purgatory; some converse with angels; some have inner locutions or apparitions; and some have gifts to talk with the deceased. You have read books about messages from the souls in purgatory, and these souls have no evil, nor can they be influenced any longer from demons.Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Jesus said: “My people, the flooding in the Midwest still has to travel down the Mississippi River where there will be further damage. Some water levels are going down, but with the present saturation, it may require a month or more to dry out. Every storm that comes through now will postpone any drying out. If the farmers cannot harvest what is left, then their losses could even be higher. Continue to pray for drier fields and less rain so there will be something left to harvest. Many farmers cannot afford these large losses, so they will be coming to the taxpayer to try and get enough subsidy so they can plant again next year. Wednesday, June 18, 2008
When you do things out of love for Me than just for yourself, you are truly not far from My Kingdom of heaven. All of your prayers in private and your deeds done to please Me, will store up treasure in heaven. The saints always felt that they were unworthy servants doing only their duty. Being humble in My eyes is part of leading a holy life.
Daily prayers and good deeds are your daily love offerings to Me. When you work to be holy in imitating My life, you will be walking the narrow road to heaven. I love My faithful even more when you follow My Will and allow Me to accomplish My mission for your life. Give praise and glory to Me in all that you do.”