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12 Nov, 07 > 18 Nov, 07
Friday, 11 July 2008
Now Playing: Afrocentric Glorious Mysteries, Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Topic: Prophecy Meditation



Divine MercyBlack Christ Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I

Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II


Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PTlII


Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,



Saturday- Joyful Mysteries of Rosary


Joyful Mysteries


Pray the Joyful mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous on Thursday, the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent - Sorrowful)

See http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm

From Era of Peace website, fair use 17 U.S.C. for those in the aFrican Diaspora who would not be exposed to such ordinarily.




Black Saints of the day—From the Black Saints reference book by James Wesly Smith, 456 pages, paperback, 1000 lines of Black and African Saints in the Latin Rite, Coptic and Orthodox branches of the Mystical Body of Christ (all Christianity combined) to year 599 A.D. Order from BarnesandNobles.com, Ingram Book Group internationally, Amazon, wherever online books are sold, or quickly from www.booklocker.com/books/3088.html



Ammon the Great, Hermit, I am a monk of the desert. Robbers periodically stole my meager rations of bread. After a while, I tired of it, and ordered two huge serpents to guard my food and cell. When the robbers saw this, they became paralyzed. I cured them, explaining the goodness of God. They repented, and became even more virtuous, presenting in the glory of God signs and wonders.

Another large serpent continually molested and killed nearby villagers. They bade my assistance. In God’s mercy, I prayed before the serpents abode, it rushed me, and burst.

Ammon, (according to Athanasius) became a Christian and a monk. Then a bishop several years more’ after March 15, 351 A.D. six years after Pachomius died. Among the holy folk.


Message to Darrell Bennett July 7,2008

is provided by
Miracle of the Rosary Mission, Inc.

Monday, July 07, 2008

BVM to db during 10:00AM Cenacle of Prayer


My children I love you. Do not fear. I am with you always.


Dear children in moments of fear or anxiety, in times of darkness or despair, draw near to Jesus with me.


My dear children it is the enemy of salvation who seeks to rob you of hope and lead you to despair.


My little ones turn trustingly to the mercy of God; Fly to the arms of the Father who awaits you; Listen well to the truth spoken to you by Jesus; Open wide your hearts to receive the fullness of Godi??s love of the Holy Spirit.


 Darrell Bennett, President

Miracle of the Rosary Mission, Inc.

1444C Hwy 1

Thibodaux, LA 70301



TEL     985.448.3787

FAX     985.448.2175







Our Lady of All Nations to littlest of servants July 7,2008


July 7, 2008 (In a vision at Church this morning before Mass I saw a raging
fire, like a bonfire, satan was there screaming that he was going to win and
destroy everything. Demons were there and were throwing HUMAN HEARTS onto the
FIRE and each time they did the FIRE got higher.

The demons were being assisted by people who were representing FALSE RELIGIONS
and MASONS.Behind them were millions of people waiting to give their hearts away
to them.

The FIRE was trying to reach a line that was above it and on the line the
words WORLD WAR III were written on it.

OUR LADY then told me that the FIRE represented HATRED and that each HUMAN
HEART that was thrown onto the FIRE had given itself over to HATRED either

Once enough HUMAN HEARTS had fed the FIRE of satan's HATE then the FIRE would
reach the line with WORLD WAR III written on it, AND WORLD WAR III would then

OUR LADY then told me that it is MANKIND NOT GOD who is responsible for WARS and
that it was through the HARDNESS of MANKIND'S HEARTS and through the LACK OF
LOVE that they begin.
On the other side, across from the FIRE, I could see ANGELS with FIRE HOSES

Above the stream of water were written the words GRACES. Behind the ANGELS
stood thousands of people with ROSARIES IN THEIR HANDS. This group were vastly
outnumbered by the other group who had numbered in the millions.

However, the smaller group, despite being vastly outnumbered, was keeping the
stream of water spraying over the FIRE which was keeping it from reaching the
line with the words WORLD WAR III written on it.

OUR LADY then said, MY dear, dear children in regards to this vision given to MY
most loyal servant you can now see the POWER OF PRAYER IN ACTION. PRAYER CAN





Message to Ned Dougherty July 2, 2008

Greetings from Ned Dougherty!

The following message was received on the 24th Anniversary of my first Near
Death Experience, which occurred on July 2, 1984. Details of both my NDEs are
available in my book and on DVD or CD, entitled FAST LANE TO HEAVEN, available
at www.fastlanetoheaven.com

I am now scheduling speaking events, seminars, and retreat weekends, nationally
and internationally, as early as August 2008 through December 2009. I would like
you to consider assisting me in scheduling an event in your area.

For more information on how to organize an event or to schedule an event: please
(800) 253-5218 (USA only)
or email: ndened1@...

Whenever you email Ned Dougherty, please include your Name/City/State/Country in
the email SUBJECT line in the following manner: JohnDoe/Southampton/NY/USA.

God bless you and your family!
Ned Dougherty

July 2, 2008


The Rock
Shrine of Our Lady of the Island

Eastport, NY

From Jesus The Redeemer

Greetings my son,

I come to you today as the Redeemer of the world.

For it is in these times that the redemption of the world will be completed in a
way that the Father in Heaven chose to redeem all of His children by providing
each and every one of you a life in the earthly world to allow all of His
children to learn to understand that each and every one of you has been gifted
with an individual nature through your soulful existence that is different and
apart from all of your brothers and sisters. You are unique in this regard. For
alas, all of the brothers and sisters have different journeys and missions as
ordained by the Father.

For those of you, who are living in these times, each and every one of your
journeys is uniquely important in the history of mankind. You have been chosen
to be upon the face of the Earth during the most important period in the history
of modern humanity.

Certainly you, yourselves, can recognize that great and glorious times are ahead
of you, if you are living in the Spirit of the Lord. For each and every one of
you, who has accepted the gift of the Holy Spirit that is also available to all
of your bothers and sisters, you know that your journey now, in these times, is
of an extreme and urgent importance.

The times in which you live are already experiencing great changes in the
geophysical structures of the earth as well as in the discourse between all
brothers and sisters on the face of the Earth. Certainly, then, you are
experiencing the rumblings of great things that are about to come to humanity.

There is a time now on Earth when great corrections need to be made to bring
humanity back to the course for all of you that has been designed by the Father
in Heaven, since He first imagined the creation of all of you as His wonderful,
and yes, even marvelous beings of light, incarnated into humanity to express
each of yourselves individually in and through the Light of the Father.

Through eons of time much of humanity has lost contact with the nature of your
very being, and darkness has descended upon creation as a result of the sins of
mankind. Yet, with all of the misery, loss of life, and destruction of God?s
creation that you are experiencing during these times, much of humanity does not
even want to accept or recognize that sin does exist in the world, and it is
because of the sins of humanity that the great corrections must take place.

Many of you have become aware that there are among you those who have taken up
an allegiance with the prince of darkness to manipulate and control the rest of
humanity for their own greedy and selfish purposes. The luciferian father of
this plan to enslave humanity believes that he is close to prevailing over his
human slaves who have sworn their allegiance to him. Yet, the victory as
perceived by the dark prince will be short and bittersweet.

For the power of the Holy Spirit is manifesting over all of humanity during
these times, and it is through the power of the Holy Spirit that the good among
you will prevail over the evil. Through your prayerful efforts you will very
powerfully usher in the End Times? events that will result eventually, through
your patient and persistent prayer, in an Era of Peace for humanity as it was
ordained by the Father from the beginning.

I know that it is difficult for you to live upon the earth during these times.
It seems that the material world in which you live is becoming increasingly more
difficult in terms of your economies, your governments, the discourse between
all of you as peoples of different cultures, races, and religions. It is this
diversity that has created not only the difficulties but the opportunities for
all of humanity to come together under the banner of the Holy Spirit, as opposed
to the banner of the dark one who is desperately grasping now to bring his
concept of a new world order to fruition.

He will not be successful in his attempts because of the sons and daughters of
the true God in Heaven, represented to you as the Father and Creator, as the Son
and Redeemer, and as the Holy Spirit. Through the intercession of the power of
the Father in Heaven, the Holy Spirit is descending upon the planet in these
times most magnificently to lead you through these troubling times.

I want you to live through these times courageously and with a steely resolve
that recognizes that your existence here is only temporary, but your mission
here will have a lasting permanence upon the firmament of the Universe.

For the forces of good and evil are going through a universal struggle during
these times that you can easily perceive through your own earthly focus. This
struggle is as ancient as the earthly creation itself. But in these times,
dramatic events will be leading to a brave and exciting new world for those of
you who continue on in this realm, but as you know, only for a brief and
fleeting time. So recognize that your time here now is ultimately important, and
that you must be certain that the time that you devote to God in these times
must be well spent because of the important work that you need to do.

For the times will now get increasingly more difficult and the goal of your
journey may become clouded at times, and certainly the dark one will be tempting
you to turn away from your journey with me, because he knows that he cannot
prevail with the Lord and Saviour and Redeemer of humanity about to crush the
head of the serpent that has caused so much pain and suffering for humanity.

I want you to join with me in prayer and contemplative meditation to find the
strength and the courage for what I am asking of you as your Lord and Saviour.

I want you to continuously and continually recognize that your journey here is
brief and short, but your journey home to the Heavenly Realms will have an
eternal permanence in which the ecstasy of being in the presence of the Holy
Trinity has no bounds in the Heavenly Kingdom.

I want each and every one of you to prepare for your eternal homecoming, where
all of your spiritual bothers and sisters await your return home to God with
eager anticipation. Know that all of your brothers and sisters, who have passed
on before you, are praying for you and wishing you Godspeed on your journey.
Since they have already returned to the Heavenly Home from the earthly realms,
they certainly know how difficult life is for all of you here on Earth today.
But your heavenly brothers and sisters also know so well that each and every one
of you here on Earth has important work to do for your Lord and Saviour.

Do not shrink from your responsibilities to me and recognize that you must
continually set aside time in your day for prayer and contemplation, not only
for the times that you are now experiencing, but also for the times ahead which
will be challenging and at times will seem insurmountable. However, I, as your
Lord and Saviour and Redeemer of the world, am with you on this journey at all
times. I am available to you through prayer and meditation.

So prepare now for the difficult times that are immediately ahead for all of you
and recognize that through your prayers that I will prevail over all of humanity
as the Redeemer of the world. The time will come soon when all of humanity will
be forced to recognize through their own individual experiences that the Triune
God of the Father, Creator in Heaven; of the Son as Redeemer; and of the Holy
Spirit is the one and only true God of the Universe.

The battle for souls that will be waged during these times will be lost by the
evil one because you, my brothers and sisters, through your powerful prayers,
will defeat the darkness and evil of the world.

And the Era of Peace shall prevail for all mankind!

Jesus The Redeemer

Message ended 11:32am


The following is a message from the Blessed Mother of God to Fr.
Stefano Gobbi (#407) dated June 17, 1989. The messages from Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi carry several IMPRIMATURS from several Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops.


"Beloved sons, you now understand the plan of your heavenly Mother,
the Woman Clothed with the Sun, who, with her army, is engaged in the
great struggle against all the forces of evil, in order to attain her
great victory in the perfect glorification of the Most Holy Trinity.

Join me in battle, little children, against the Dragon, who seeks to
lead all humanity against God.

Join me in battle, little children, against the Black Beast, Masonry,
which seeks to lead souls to perdition.

Join me in battle, little children, against the beast like a lamb,
Masonry, infiltrated into the interior of ecclesial life in order to
destroy Christ and His Church. To attain this end, it seeks to build
a new idol, namely a false christ and a false church.

--- Ecclesiastical Masonry receives orders and power from the various
masonic lodges and works to lead everyone secretly to become part of
these secret sects. Thus it stimulates the ambitious with the
prospect of easy careers; it heaps up with goods those who are
starved for money; it assists its members to exceed others and to
occupy the most important positions while it sets aside, in a subtle
but decisive way, all those who refuse to take part in its designs.
Indeed the beast like a lamb exercises all its power from the first
beast, in its presence, and it forces the earth and all its
inhabitants to adore the first beast.

Ecclesiastical Masonry goes as far as even building a statue in honor
of the beast and forces all to adore this statue.

--- But, according to the first commandment of the holy Law of the
Lord, only God is to be adored and to Him alone must every form of
worship be rendered. And so they substitute for God a strong,
powerful and dominating idol. An idol so powerful that it puts to
death all who do not adore the statue of the beast. An idol so
strong and dominating as to cause all, small and great, rich and
poor, freemen and slaves, to receive a mark on the right hand and on
the forehead, and that no one can buy or sell without having this
mark, that is to say, the name of the beast or the number of its
name. This great idol, built to be served and adored by all, as I
have already revealed to you in the preceding message, is a false
christ and a false church.

But what is its name?
--- In the thirteenth chapter of the Apocalypse, it is written, "This
calls for wisdom. Let him who has understanding reckon the number of
the beast: it represents a human name. And the number in question is
666 (six hundred and sixty-six)." (Cf. Rev. 13:18). With
intelligence, illumined by the light of divine wisdom, one can
succeed in deciphering from the number, 666, the name of a man and
this name, indicated by such a number, is that of the Antichrist.

Lucifer, the ancient serpent, the devil or Satan, the Red Dragon,
becomes, in these last times, the Antichrist. The Apostle John
already affirmed that whoever denies that Jesus Christ is God, that
person is the Antichrist. The statue or idol, built in honor of the
Beast to be adored by all men, is the Antichrist.

Calculate now its number, 666, to understand how it indicates the
name of a man. The number, 333, indicates the divinity. Lucifer
rebels against God through pride, because he wants to put himself
above God. 333 is the number which indicates the mystery of God. He
who wants to put himself above God bears the sign, 666, and
consequently this number indicates the name of Lucifer, Satan, that
is to say, of him who sets himself against Christ, of the Antichrist.

333 indicated once, that is to say, for the first time, expresses the
mystery of the unity of God. 333 indicated twice, that is to say,
for the second time, indicates the two natures, that of the divine
and the human, united in the divine person of Jesus Christ. 333
indicated thrice, that is to say, for the third time, indicates the
mystery of the Three Divine Persons, that is to say, it expresses the
mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. Thus the number, 333, expressed
one, two and three times, expresses the principal mysteries of the
Catholic faith, which are: (1) the Unity and the Trinity of God, (2)
the incarnation, the passion and death, and the resurrection of our
Lord Jesus Christ.

If 333 is the number which indicates the divinity, he who wants to
put himself above God Himself is referred to by the number 666.

666 indicated once, that is to say for the first time, expresses the
year 666, six hundred and sixty-six. In this period of history, the
Antichrist is manifested through the phenomenon of Islam, which
directly denies the mystery of the Divine Trinity and the divinity of
our Lord Jesus Christ. Islamism, with its military force, breaks
loose everywhere, destroying all the ancient Christian communities,
and invades Europe, and it is only through my extraordinary motherly
intervention, begged for powerfully by the Holy Father, that it does
not succeed in destroying Christianity completely.

666 indicated twice, that is to say, for the second time, expresses
the year 1332 thirteen hundred and thirty-two. In this period of
history, the Antichrist is manifested through a radical attack on the
faith in the word of God. Through the philosophers who begin to give
exclusive value to science and then to reason, there is a gradual
tendency to constitute human intelligence alone as the sole criterion
of truth. There come to birth the great philosophical errors which
continue through the centuries down to your days. The exaggerated
importance given to reason, as an exclusive criterion to truth,
necessarily leads to the destruction of the faith in the word of
God. Indeed, with the Protestant Reformation, Tradition is rejected
as a source of divine revelation, and only Sacred Scripture is
accepted. But even this must be interpreted by means of the reason,
and the authentic Magisterium of the hierarchical Church, to which
Christ has entrusted the guardianship of the deposit of the faith, is
obstinately rejected. Each one is free to read and to understand
Sacred Scripture according to one's personal interpretation. In this
way, faith in the word of God is destroyed. The work of the
Antichrist, in this period of history, is the division of the Church
and the consequent formation of new and numerous Christian
confessions which gradually become driven to a more and more
extensive loss of the true faith in the word of God.

666 indicated thrice, that is to say, for the third time, expresses
the year 1998, nineteen hundred and ninety-eight. IN THIS PERIOD OF
HISTORY [Emphasis Mine], Freemasonry, assisted by its ecclesiastical
form, will succeed in its great design: that of setting up an idol to
put in the place of Christ and of His Church. A false christ and a
false church. Consequently, the statue built in honor of the first
beast, to be adored by all the inhabitants of the earth and which
will seal with its mark all those who want to buy or sell, is that of
the Antichrist. You have thus arrived at the peak of the
purification, of the great tribulation and of the apostasy. The
apostasy will be, as of then, generalized because almost all will
follow the false christ and the false church. Then the door will be
open for the appearance of the man or of the very person of the
Antichrist !

This is why, beloved children, I have wanted to enlighten you
concerning the pages of the Apocalypse which refer to the times you
are living through. This is to prepare you with me, for the most
painful and decisive part of the great struggle which is on the point
of being fought out between your heavenly Mother and all the forces
of evil which have been let loose.

Take courage! Be strong, my little children. To you befalls the
duty, in these difficult years, of remaining faithful to Christ and
to His Church, putting up with hostility, struggle and persecution.
But you are a precious part of the little flock, which has the task
of fighting against, and in the end of conquering, the powerful force
of the Antichrist.

I am forming you all, defending you and blessing you."

End of Message #407

HEART OF MARY, and AFTER THE WARNING at the following web sites:





Prepared with the Grace of God
By Ben J. Verdina

NOTE: We respectfully recognize and accept the final authority
regarding apparitions, locutions and prophecies presently being
reported around the world rests with the Holy See of Rome and the
Magisterium of Holy Mother Church to whose judgment we humbly and
obediently submit.

The web site, era-of-peace, together with its mother web site,
have been designed to serve a very unique purpose. As discussed in
greater detail on the home page of era-of-peace, it is used in
conjunction with its mother site to assist and guide all of God's
children through the Great Tribulation of the book of Revelation.

Accordingly, primary emphasis has been given to the accumulation of
few archived messages at the era-of-peace web site, as opposed to
many individual emailed messages to members. Our intention is to
build a relatively small base of messages, to facilitate the painting
of the "big" picture as eschatology is realized daily. As new
members join, especially during the foretold confusion associated
with the Warning, they will see for themselves the foretold events
materializing together with supporting evidence.

We invite you to visit the collection of archived messages to view
the picture that is being developed. The archived messages can be
found in the MESSAGES section of :













Posted by realm/blackcatholics at 10:27 AM PDT
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