I know you’re thinking pervy thoughts
20 Reasons Why Gackt Is Better Than Ice Cream

-Gackt is just as smooth and creamy, but has way less fat

-Gackt won’t rot your teeth

-Safer for diabetics

-You get more than a scoop of Gackt

-You don’t have to finish all your vegetables to have Gackt

-Gackt won’t ruin your appetite, either

-Unlike ice cream, Gackt is just as good on the floor

-There’s no unnecessary waffle cone to get rid of

-There’s only one flavor of Gackt, making the choices that much easier

-You’ll probably never have to worry about a “Gackt headache” as opposed to an “ice cream headache”

-Gackt is the perfect end to ANY meal

-No matter how long you leave him sitting in the car, Gackt won’t melt

-You never run out of Gackt at one in the morning

-“Gackt” is just quicker to type than “ice cream”

-Gackt is good for just looking at, too

-No bowl or spoon to wash afterward

-Gackt doesn’t hurt sensitive teeth

-Although he does have artificial colors and preservatives, he probably has less than a pint of “Cherry Garcia”

-Ice cream just doesn’t look as good in a pair of leather pants

-Gackt sings better than ice cream does

get your mind out of the gutter, I only respect Gackt for his MUSIC