hidelicious! .

I made all of these icons myself, using only the basic "Paint" program you get with all computers. Nevertheless, they're pretty damned spiffy. Feel free to use them on your LiveJournal or whatever-- but please credit me by putting "made by Writer" in your description, 'kay? Thanks, dude. Knew I could count on you.

Oh yeah, some of 'em may not be visible to all users, I've been told-- a lot of these are saved in .PNG format rather than .JPG or .GIF, due to issues with aforementioned crappy Paint program. If you can't see 'em at all but want to, drop me an e-mail, and I can send you samples in whatever format is most convenient. Just be sure to ask me nice-like.

Any special requests (like, say you have the awesomest of awesome hide pictures, and you want me to icon it with my magic touch) can also be sent to me in e-mail.

And now, on to the icons!



