Psyence Fiction //WRITE MODE//

This is mostly Real Person Slash, kids. Don't read it if you don't like it. Only time I'm gonna say it. Rock on.

Regular Fics

September In September, the heat has not yet abated. Gackt/Hyde

All the Pieces A short fic about Gackt, and where all the pieces end up.

Days Go By It's hard to watch someone get old, especially when that someone is you. Hyde fic.

Sins Not exactly a J-rock fic, and not RPS at all, this is actually a Moon Child movie fic. It goes here because Gackt and Hyde happened to be the stars. If you haven't seen the movie yet, watch out for spoilers.

Some Things Never Mentioned A Moon Child fic about Kei and the things he doesn't say.

Sunrise Another Moon Child fic, about endings, and words left unsaid. Spoilers.

To Start the Day "hide awakens this day feeling slightly off, which in itself is nothing new. He’s lived half his life feeling slightly off, so he’s an old hand at it by now. Sometimes being a tad left from center can be helpful, he knows, in the obscure way he sometimes understands things."

An Excuse To Do Nothing A short fic from hide's point-of-view. When you can't deal alone, you do the next best thing: get drunk with someone else. (No real slash, oddly enough.)

An alternate-universe Dir en grey fic. Sci-fantasy. Warnings for language, sex, language, weirdness, language, and violence. Oh, and did I mention language?
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05

OBSCURE Side Story 1: A Brand New Feeling Kyo's first attempt at home repair. Bob Vila, eat your heart out.

OBSCURE Side Story 2: House Cleaning Toshiya tries to tidy up the horror that is Kyo's apartment. His efforts do not go unrewarded.

OBSCURE Side Story 3: Mask Miyavi likes his job. At least, that's what he tells himself. **NEW**

20 Reasons Why Gackt Is Better Than Ice Cream This list really is as pervy as it sounds. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is up to you.

Yoshiki Takes A Shower It's hard being a rock god, y'know? Yoshiki just wants to take a shower... hijinks ensue. A semi-fic done with pictures. And yes, I know I'm a freak.

Glass Darkly As a writer, I like to be able to get inside a person's head, in order to write what goes on there.
Some peoples' heads should come with warning labels. Especially Gackt's.

Pink, No Capital H A short nonfiction piece (yes, I DO write them!) about hide. Sadness abounds.

Stars A short J-rock fanfic starring Gackt and Mana. There is sex.

Untitled Another short Gackt-fic. This one has sex, too. And more angst. Those seem to be my specialties.

Death Wish
An assassin. The city: Chicago. The time: Now, or maybe soon. Gackt Camui lives his life on the razor's edge. He's at the top of his game, but when you're at the top, the only place left to go is down. A strange mystery draws him in, and it could very well destroy him. (Count on violence, gore, sex, and anything else I can think of to throw into this puppy.)
Track One: Instrumental
Track Two: Past Memories Pt. 1
Track Three: Drawing Darkness
Track Four: Ominous
Track Five: Past Memories Pt. 2


Fic Requests!

From time to time, in LiveJournal, I will solicit my readers to come up with requests for ficlets, which I will then write and post. Here are some of the results.

Chinese It Is A request from Micala was "Gackt and Die [of Dir en grey] in bed together, eating moo goo gai pan". It came out less silly than I intended, and marks my first piece of WAFF-writing ever. The end of the world is nigh, I tell you.

The Hazards of Buying Pants A request from Tochira, who wanted "Gackt getting abducted by aliens. Little ones". I take absolutely no responsibility for this one, guys. Warnings for lots and lots of vulgarity, including way too much use of the phrase "anal probe".

Come Undone Harukami's request was "Gackt and Hyde in a bar, sometime after the filming of Moon Child". I think this is my first official Gackt/Hyde fic. Angsty.

The Last To Know This was a request from Cyphersushi, who wanted "hide as an invisible guardian to a random J-rock fangirl. Bonus points if she doesn't believe he is who he says he is." I played around with this theme a little, and the fic came out sort of depressing.

Original Gacktsta Gets Dressed This was requested by my friend Joudama, who wanted to see "Gackt getting dressed in that Original Gacktsta outfit", which refers to an outfit he wore recently on the Hey!x3 music show. The outfit was a travesty. So is this fic.