Let's do it right this time .





Links to other places I've enjoyed. You don't need to ask if you want to link me; just go ahead, though notification would be great after you've done the deed.

Here's a banner, if you want to use one:

And now, on with the show.


Viberating Latte ~Viberating Latte (yes, "viberating" with an "e") is a brand-spanking-new site. Actually, I don't know if there's spanking involved, but with a name like that, there should be. Stop by and see for yourself.

Vintage ~It's officially no longer updated, but this is some of the best J-rock writing on the 'Net today. Claire was a genius at characterization, and every fic is a work of art. If something here doesn't move you to tears, you are no longer officially human.