up and down the scars like spiders with guitars
hide Art

Fanart and tributes. How can you NOT want to draw such a beautiful man? Contributions are always welcome. Send any hide artwork to TheWriter0@aol.com , and I'll put it here. I'm sure it will enhance my feng shui.

DOUBT Inspired by the Doubt "Studio Live" video. My first hide pic. Please forgive its crappiness.

No Smoking That's what the blurry, badly-scanned sign on the wall says, anyway. My second hide pic. You can still see all the guide-lines and everything. I like to think it gives the picture a delightful "unfinished work" quality. Of course, I also like to think that money grows on trees somewhere.

Just a sketch. It seems like every time I touch pencil to paper lately, hide pops out. Well, not literally. That'd just be creepy.

Same sketch as above, only now IN COLOR! Thanks go to Frost for coloring this for me, as I was too lazy to do it.

In a hat. I'd LIKE to think this picture announces a marked increase in my skill level. It's still kind of old, however, so you know. Still suck.

ZILCH hide looks creepy with his badass vinyl-clad self on the Zilch CD cover. So I drew him. Creepy=Good.

Abstract face. I drew this at work, which is why it is a) on lined paper, b) in pen, and c) not finished. I'm proud of it anyway. I'm also kinda disturbed. D'you know how long you have to stare at someone's face before you can draw it from memory? A LONG TIME.
Maybe I should cut back on the icon-making.