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Pucksville E-Groups

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeere's PUCK!!!

Welcome to one of many of my e-groups. This group is dedicated to Puck, that merry hobgoblin we all know and love. No, not hockey puck.

LET ME CLARIFY that the group may also be reffered to as just Puck, and not Pucksville, though sometimes it will be reffered to as Pucksville and not Puck.

Which Puck am I talking about? He has so many images, who knows? Well, I'm open to discuss Puck from A Midsummer Night's Dream, from Froud's Faeries, from Disney's Gargoyles, it doesn't matter. This group is also open to talk about Puck's other forms/names such as Robin Goodfellow, Phooka, Pach, and perhaps even Pan.

I do accept artwork and written work on this group, but keep it somehow Puck-related. Now, just because I allow Gargoyles' Puck fans in this group, doesn't mean it's all fandamonium. No, this is actually a resource group for those who are interested in Puck, and his other forms, as well as a place to teach of him and share experiences those of you have had with Puck.

Just zip through my image links below to get an idea what we are about. Again, all types of Puck fans are welcome, but please do respect that someone else may be a fan for a totally different reason, and may not even admire the same version of Puck.

Wanna link to me? Try this:

This banner is all I've got at the moment. Hopefully I'll make more so you can have a selection.

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