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This might be fun after all

Who IS Puck you ask? He has been known by many many many other names. Most, of course, know his as Puck. Other names of his include Robin Goodfellow, Pach {pronounced Pak}, Phooka {pronounced Pooka}, and some people even believe is is known as Pan.

For sake of argument, let's just know him as Puck. His history goes far beyond Shakespeare's A Midummer Night's Dream. His exact species is questioned a lot of the time, though most people agree he is a hobgoblin.

Puck's exact origin in unknown. It is believed he and those like him originated somewhere around ancient England, though I'm sure hobgoblins cover more ground. As far as parentage, some believe he is the son of Oberon, king of the faeries. However this too is questionable. Others suggest he was merely Oberon's loyal companion and jester. However, not everything about Puck is sweets and candy.

Puck is notorious for his tricks. Though some sources say hobgoblins perform harmless tricks, Puck's role as Phooka may say differently. The Phooka is said to be a creature that can take any form it wishes, though it prefers the form of a horse or donkey. It would act grascious towards travelers and offer the man a ride. However it would then gallop off at high speeds, usually into a lake, where it would then drown the rider. Another form used often by the Phooka was that of a traveler's guide. He would lead the traveler in the dark, and walk ahead with a bright candle. However, at the right moment, he would blow out the candle, leaving the traveler to walk over a cliff. This would be a good reason some though the Phooka or Puck was somehow a devil.

Puck's disposition certainly lightened up over the years, taking more of a fancy to the minds of children. And of course to child-at-heart adults. He is in his own rite a muse, inspiring people of all types. One good example is Harvey a play about a 6 ft tall invisible rabbit named Harvey. Harvey is revealed as a Phooka in the story, however, unlike the acts most would expect from the Phooka, no actual harm is done to anyone in the story BY the Phooka.

Puck's most famous role was of course in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream where Puck is Oberon's right hand man. He is sent to retrieve a special flower for which Oberon will enchant Titania to fall in love with a beastly creature so he may take possession of a changeling child. Also, Oberon orders Puck to enchant the eyes of Demetrius, so that he may fall in love with the scorned lover, Helena. However, Puck mistakes Lysander for Demtrius and a horrible nightmare ensues from there, with both men enchanted by the same woman, Titania falling in love with Bottom, who Puck turns into a donkey. Oberon finally makes it clear he wants all of Puck's mistakes fixed. I'm not gonna give it all away, But once you understand exactly what it's about it is very funny.

Puck of course made a modern appearance as a more humanoid fae in Disney's Gargoyles. Most younger audiences love him that way....a quick-witted sprite. So much do they love him this way and his alter-ego, Owen, that several churches, yes churches, have been erected on the net for him.

Puck's appearance is interesting as well. Some describe him as somewhat human in appearance. Others have a more grotesque vision. Puck is often said to look much like a satyr. Froudians tend to agree with this form. From his middle down, a goat's hind legs and little goat tail. Middle up, a little man with a goatee, sometimes not, and little horns on his head. Most people recognize him as either Puck or Pan in such a form. However, his true form may forever be unknown to us. After all, he is a shapeshifter and not at all too proud to be a humble figure. He seems to have nothing better to do anyway.

Puck is not all bad. At least not anymore if at all. He seems to have an interest in children and those young-at-heart. He enjoys music and humor. However he also humbles himself to brownie duties if he feels like it. These duties include cleaning a house or protecting it or anything else in return for a bit of food and drink. However, it is considered offensive to leave out clothing for them [any fae], for they [fae] cease to work. But, Puck is a hobgoblin after all and is never truley happy unless he's done something of neussance to someone or other. These tricks can be rather painful, but as far as we know, not truley harmful. {Trust me, I've BEEN a victim} He can be very social and very friendly, and I personally think he prefers company of some sort rather than being solitary. After all, you can't pull pranks if you're the only one around.

In a nutshell, that is an overview of Puck. He is certainly an amusing and facinating part of fae history and his popularity continues to grow as perhaps one of THE most famous creatures in the world under one name or other. So much popularity in fact that Puck now has a moon named after him. And I'm sure, and what few Puck fans I've met agree on, Puck will continue to dazzle and perhaps even expand culturally in the future.