Welcome to Dragon Lair. This site is currently under construction. I know, I know..it's been proven to be the most annoying thing on a website! However, there are a few links that can be visited. Try taking the poll, and read the updates! They show what will be coming up, and what has been completed. Thanks!
11/18/01 - I've also decided to display the webrings I'm in on this main page. As for other links, a seperate page will be created soon.
11/18/01 - The Image Archive is up and running. It has a new design, but there aren't that many pictures due to lack of illustrator's names. I recieved some complaints about not following artists' copyrights, so I figured the Image Archive could use some work. Don't forget to submit any of your artwork to Black Dragon!
10/28/01 - Bravenet services are up and running once again. Don't forget to sign the Scroll of Visitors upon entering, the dragons like to view how many people have come. Also, I'd like to wish all a Happy Halloween!
10/26/01 - The Bravenet services will be down due to a major server change. Therefore, the Guestbook and the Counter will not be functional until October 28th around the evening time.
10/01/01 - I added in the links section, along with some new backgrounds and midi files to my collection. There will be a MIDI page up shortly.