A Quick Note From Me, Your Web MistressWell to start I suppose I should tell you why I'm building this site.
Well it's like this......I'm obsessed! Ever since I first watched Buffy The Vampire Slayer I was hooked! The moves, the 'tude, the clothes and Angel mmmmmmmmmm.......
Things have changed, people have left but the Scooby Core is the same as ever! No matter how many people love em, leave em and break their hearts Buffy, Xander and Willow are always gonna be the same! But back to the point, this site isn't just for me to release all my creative energy, it's for the fans! So if there's anything you wanna see drop me a line and I'll do my best! Come in, look around and tell me what you think of my site. Only nice things please! ( I just can't handle rejection...sob...sniff ) If you need to contact me then you can find my e-address here
buffyverse@hotmail.com Oh yeah and I'm sorry there's not really anything up yet but I promise...
More on it's way soon!
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