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Alexander LaVelle Harris

Xander has lived his whole life in Sunnydale, California. Growing up his best friend was, and still is, Willow Rosenburg - they used to play doctor literally, Willow would use real medical texts. They used to regulary sleep over at each others' houses. Xander's fear of clowns stems back to his sixth birthday party when he was terrorised by one. His other good friend was Jesse but unfortunatly he became a vampire and was staked by Xander himself.

He was the first to know about Buffy's secret when she came to Sunnydale, because he over heard her and Gile's talking about it in the library. From then on he insisted that he help Buffy with whatever he could.

Xander does not come from a good family background, he does not get on with either parent, neither can cook and they are always fighting in Xanders own words " oh look my parents are home *smashing of plates* ( sarcastically ) oh no it's just incompetent burglers " Xander has a tradition of avoiding as many family gatherings as possible and intends to spent Christmas night camping in his back garden.

Though he is not unintelligent Xander never really excells at anything. He relys on Willow to tutor him in most subjects.

He has not been sucessful in relationships either, he has been persued by women ranging from a giant praying mantis to an incan mummy princess. He is oblivious to how Willow feels about him and has carried a torch for Buffy ever since he first saw her. He is the self declared treasurer of the "We Hate Cordelia Club" of which him and Willow are members, but against all the odds him and Cordelia become a couple. His pining for Buffy irks both Cordelia and Willow but it also causes alot of friction between him and Angel. Cordelia breaks up with him after he cheats on her by kissing Willow. He is currently with Anya an ex demon.

His contribution to the Slayerettes is not physical nor intellectual but his loyalty and willingness to do whatever it takes.