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The Carby Sanctum : Dedicated to John Carter and Abby Lockhart

Welcome to the Carby Sanctum, a website dedicated to the concept of a Abby Lockhart and John Carter pairing on the NBC show ER. Below are the evolving sections of the website, as well as many resourceful links for Carter and Abby fans.


Carter and Abby : This section is anything and everything Carter and Abby related. Currently, you can find thirty-five images from "Sand and Water", eight images from "The Dance We Do", thirty-five images from "Thy Will Be Done", transcribed scenes and thirty images from "Sailing Away", dialogue and nine images from "Rampage", a link to spoilers for season eight, the huge list of reasons Why We Love Carter and Abby, and more!

Fan Fiction : Stories featuring Abby and Carter, either in a relationship or as friends.

Fan Art : Any fan art, collages, sketches, etc. are accepted. See submissions guidelines.

Links : Sites dedicated to ER, Maura, and Noah as well as links to message boards, discussion lists, and clubs.

Hanging By Their Moments : The Carby Sanctum's message board! All Carby discussion permitted.

Submissions : Guidelines on ways to submit Fan Fiction, Essays, Images, Fan Art, etc.


November 26, 2001

Long time, no update! Due to real life obligations and personal reasons, this site hasn't been updated in a very long time. I apologize. I plan to continue posting submissions, so if you have anything to submit, please email it to me. It might take a while, but I'll get it posted!

Hollus has submitted four beautiful (and colorful!) Carter and Abby wallpapers! To check them out, visit the Fan art.

With A Little Help From A Friend Part 15 by John Ross has been added to the Fanfiction page. Also updated John Ross's email address to

Surround by Row added to the Fanfiction page.

Full Circle by Palver also added.

I would like give a big thanks to everyone who emailed me artwork, fanfiction, or comments about the site!

August 12, 2001

With A Little Help From A Friend Part 14: From Susan's Eyes by John Ross

Updated the spoilers page.


Guestbook: Sign and View
Message Board: Hanging By Their Moments


Main Page // Carter and Abby // Fan Fiction // Fan Art // Links


Disclaimer: Images are copyright their respective owner. Image of Abby in the top logo borrowed from ER Screen Capture Archive. Other screen captures throughout this site were captured by me. If you want to use these images, please link back to this site. John Carter, Abby Lockhart and everything else ER related belongs to Warner Brothers and NBC.