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When you take a drink of water, do you ever think about it came from?  No?  Well, perhaps you should.  Water treatment is considered to be something of an "old science" -- it has been around for many years.  However, it has undoubtedly evolved quite a bit over time.

Today, providing clean, safe water to the public involves two very important processes: water treatment and wastewater treatment.  These two treatment processes are vital for clean water, yet each has different goals, and thus, the processes have some important differences.  The most obvious of these differences is that water exiting a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is not sent directly to the public for consumption.  It is discharged into a nearby body of water; in this case, the Delaware River.  Water exiting a water treatment plant (WTP), on the other hand, is sent directly to the public.

This rest of this page will go into more detail about the water treatment and wastewater treatment processes.  When you're through viewing this page, you'll be an expert.  So what are you waiting for?  Click on the image below to entire the
site and start learning!!



This page is owned and maintained by Katrina Gibbons, '03, and was created for CE 221, Introduction to Environmental Engineering (her favorite class), and for your viewing and learning pleasure.  If you stick around and make it all the way through the site, you might even learn a bit more about Katie!