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12-25-98 (The True Begining of a Legend)

Welcome to Classic Zelda, this is a site devoted to the videogame series The Legend of Zelda.

-Boy In Green Tunic
& Jaetei

Nothing really to update. Hope you all enjoyed Twilight Princess, and are getting excited for SSB Brawl. Jaetei and I, with our powers combined, got access back into the site. I may... eventually, migrate this over to my personal website, Schrodinger's Blog. There would be no adds, which would be pretty awesome. Also, I'm scared one day Angelfire will just delete this site and it will all be gone! So. Maybe.
So it's been about a year. We've gone on to bigger and better things. Even though there's plenty of new zelda material, and even something to perk people's interest again. At the E3 this year Nintendo unveiled the new zelda to be none other than close to what we saw first at E3 2001 before they changed it to the Wind Waker. There's a chance I alone might start writing some updates on here when I get bored. So, if anybody's interested, that's what you can look forward to... maybe.
Well people. Thats a wrap for a while. School is coming to a close, which means finals. Boo. Then summer though, which is when I hope to finally finish that walkthrough. After that though, CZ is going on a little hiatus. I'm going to tie up a few loose ends on the site, and we're going to lockdown for a while. I've got some other projects to work on, and I'd feel crummy if I just left, so thats the deal. Thanks for visiting.
Wow. No updates for quite a while. I guess I got a little caught up in Wind Waker. Sorry for neglecting the site. Any how, I'm working on a honest-to-god walkthrough right now for WW. Piece of heart guide and everything. I'm writing it all on scratch paper in note form, then I'm going to type it up, and slap it on the site for your reading convenience. This may take some time, but I promise it's coming.

Just to keep you updated: there isn't anything new about the next instalments on GBA and GCN. I know for a fact that Miyamoto confirmed the GBA one, and its suspected that there's another GCN in the works for Zelda. Both are suspected to appear at E3. Outside that, everything is meer speculation.

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