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Hikaru: Warrior of Fire

Princess Kaede
Princess Emurade

Hikaru is sorta like the leader type one. She's also the youngest which is kinda funny considering two older guys fall in love with her and so does she (with the guys.

Hikaru's spirit, the big robot thingy, ya know, is called Rayearth wich in one of out languages means glowing world, hmmm how fitting.

Hikaru's last name is Shido. She has a cutie- pie dogie dog named Hikari (hahaha)

Her friends closest to her are Umi and Fuu

In the last book, she becomes the Pillar of Cephiro, a job previously belonging to the late Pillare Princess Emuraude.

Will finish later, gtg, luv ya'll, bye

Hikaru Tomoto