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Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings

Cheat codes
Press [Enter] to open the chat window. Then enter one of the following codes to activate its corresponding cheat.

Cheat                  Codes
1,000 food             cheese steak jimmys
1,000 gold             robin hood
1,000 stone            rock on
1,000 wood             lumberjack
Commit suicide         wimpywimpywimpy
Control animals *      natural wonders
Disable Fog of War     polo
Full map               marco
Instant building       aegis
Lose campaign          resign
Saboteur unit          to smithereens
Shelby AC Cobra        how do you turn this on
Slay all opponents     black death
Slay select opponent   torpedo <1-8>
Useless villager       i love the monkey head
Win campaign           i r winner
* But loose control of men.
submitted by Moogleking34

Cheat codes (demo)
Press [Enter] to open the chat window. Then enter one of the following codes to activate its corresponding cheat.

Cheat                  Codes
1,000 food             pepperoni pizza
1,000 gold             coinage
1,000 stone            quarry
1,000 wood             woodstock
Control animals *      gaia
Disable Fog of War     no fog
Full map               reveal map
Instant building       steroids
* But lose control of men.

Cheat codes (shortcut keys)
To activate one of these cheats, enter its corresponding hotkey below.

Cheat                       Hotkey
Build immutable structure   [Ctrl] + P
New resource menu           [Ctrl] + T
Speed construction          [Ctrl] + Q
View ending                 [Ctrl] + C

Command Line Parameters
To activate a cheat, attach its corresponding switch to the command line parameter.

Cheat                              Switch
Auto save                          AUTOMPSAVE
Default mouse driver               NORMALMOUSE
Disable ambient sounds             NOTERRAINSOUND
Disable music                      NOMUSIC
Disable sounds                     NOSOUND
Disable FMV sequence               NOSTARTUP
Fix display problems*              MFILL
Fix sound problems*                AWE FREEZES MSYNC
Resolution (800 x 600)             800
Resolution (1024 x 768)            1024
Resolution (1280 x 1024)           1280
* May not work on all hardware
