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Add 100 deben
While looking at your city, type CTRL-ALT-C to bring up the cheat menu. To enable the cheat type Treasure Chest and hit RETURN.
submitted by NancyBoy

Add homeless to your citys populace
Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + C during game. Then type help homeless.
submitted by Yuriy and Rich

Cheat mode (hack)
  1. Find PHARAOH_MODEL_NORMAL.TXT file in the game directory.
  2. Right click on file and select Properties.
  3. Remove the checkmark from the Read Only box.
  4. Open the file in a text editor and follow the instructions contained in the guide.
  5. Save file.
  6. Replace checkmark in Read Only box.
(Note: Before changing game files, always make a backup copy.)

Destroy all military ships
Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] during game. Then type fury of seth.
submitted by Rosetta Stone

God Cheats
The following codes force a god event. The god must be present on the map for the cheat to work. While looking at your city, type CTRL-ALT-C to bring up the cheat menu. To enable a cheat type it in exactly as shown and hit RETURN.






submitted by NancyBoy

Land attack by enemy army
While looking at your city, type CTRL-ALT-C to bring up the cheat menu. To enable the cheat type mockattack1 and hit RETURN.
submitted by NancyBoy

Skip level
Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] during game. Then type pharaohs tomb.
submitted by Rosetta Stone

Upgrade all residences
Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] during game. Then type living large.
submitted by Rosetta Stone

Water attack by enemy army
While looking at your city, type CTRL-ALT-C to bring up the cheat menu. To enable the cheat type mockattack2 and hit RETURN.
submitted by NancyBoy
