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Worms Armagedon

CPU Misses
If you press Space, Space, Enter while a grenade or bazooka shell is in mid-air, it will blow it off course.
submitted by Ryan Stone

Censored Rule!
When you go onto the multi-player (not internet) mode, it will ask for a nickname on the screen. If you happen to put a swear word as your nickname, it will bleep it out. Just one of those safe for kids games. And no, we won't list those words here!!!
submitted by The Big K

Hidden Option Requirements
To reveal the hidden options, you must complete a set task; one for each option. To activate a hidden option once it has been revealed, go to the Weapons options screen or the Game options screen and click on the star.



To get the "Full Wormage" game setup, you must get a Gold medal (and in the case of Deathmatch mode) and Elite ranking in everything! Good luck.

Infinite Weapons Ammo Trick
If you set all the weapons ammo to infinite at the weapon ammo settings, the computer may not know about it. Instead, it will act as if a weapon is used up after only firing a few rounds.

NOTE: This trick only works if the computer's intelligence level is not too high, between 1 to 3 will do.
submitted by Goedoe

Quick Drop
If you are tired of waiting for that dumb package in which you probably want very baddly to fall to its destination quickly then just tap the spacebar and the parachute will disappear and the package will fall much more quickly than if you did not.
submitted by Jason Shagawat

The Full Wormage
To unlock the game setup, "The Full Wormage" (all weapons including super weapons), here is what you must do:

Good luck!
submitted by Zach

Times for Training
These are the times for the basic training levels in order to get bronze, silver, and gold medals:
Bronze    Silver  Gold
Super Sheep      1:30      2:30    3:30
Rifle Range      1:30      2:00    3:00
Crazy Crates     2:00      3:00    4:30
Artillery Rang   1:30      2:30    3:30
Euthansia        1:30      2:00    2:30

Tip: On Euthansia use the bazooka for the easy shots. For the harder ones, use the homing missle and the air strike.
submitted by The Worm Master
