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Cheats Games

This part of this page is new tell me wat u think ill soon add some roms/games and so on but right now i got some cheats for games check em out. And dont forget a check out my dbz pics and animations i have direct links ta em from here they just above.
Drag ur mouse over Cheats and Games above ta c the games and Cheat Codes i have and click on the one u want ta go ta itz Cheat Code page or download page.

Also if u have any request for cheat codes for any game just email me my email is below. And if u no any good games/romes that take little MGs because my int is slow so i cant upload much also plz email me ill try ta get back ta u as fast as i can and put ur request on my page as fast as i can as well.
This page is best veiwed if u press F11 and ur settings r on 800x600 well the whole page is made for 800x600 settings.

Game Cheats I Have On This Sight Right Now:
GBA Tony Hawks
Age Of Empires
Age Of Empires 2
Need For Speed 2
Need For Speed 3
Need For Speed Porsche Unleashed
Worms 2
Worms Armagedon
Simcity 2000
Simcity 3000
I will soon add games ta this but for now i have none