Gallery - Page 3

Requests / Other Characters

Tokei -

Gate  Xavier Shadowsoul  "What's that noise?" - Kiri

...  "Good job tonight, Kiri." -Ata  Ata Ittou  Miharikiri Sashide singing at Jashin  Duet - Kiri and Elly   

Unchia Lesa Greylock  Tahki McCain  Logen "Firefox" Kale    Ata Ittou 

Gate  Covert Kiri    Logen and Unchia Kale  Logen in a suit?! 

Jao  Loreli in Miang's pose from the op of Xenogears


What Will Be


 Amoro Revidi -


Gundam Wing -

      Lieutenant First Element Class, Heero Yuy  Duo Maxwell (Fei)