You read it here first, guys. The readers' guide to Amoro Revidi, v1.0, is here. And when I say this is a rough guide, I mean it.

As of now, (September 23, 2002), Amoro Revidi's main text is finished. The story's over, folks. I plan to fix up the reader's guide some, and maybe editing a few grammar/spelling errors in the story, but for the most part, that's it. It's over... done. Finito, completo... Feels weird.

As of right now, here're the fun things you can look through in case you get as lost as I sometimes do:


Glossary * Atlas * Character Guide

If there's anything else you guys need explained or would like to see up here, drop me a line here. Or, if you're really off it and wonder just who's behind this crazy story, you can check out my LiveJournal, which will have links to all the chapters as they're posted (since is down, again.)


Done here? Go back to the Amoro Revidi chapter guide.


The Amare Dividere chapter guide.


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