Part: Teaser
Genre: Gundam Wing x Xenogears
Rating: G
AN: This is the first part of something I've been putting a lot of thought
into but not necessarily a lot of time. This little Vignette happens somewhere
in the beginning after the prologue, which won't be too much like the game, from
what I gather, but it won't be completely dissimilar either. Patience, please,
it's going to take a while.
Slowly he opened his eyes, the pale sunlight streaming through the small windows fell across his face and warmed him. He had turned over once before to attempt escape, but the light had followed as the day brightened. Now, unavoidably, it was time to wake up. Groggily a pale hand lifted and brushed cappuccino brown bangs from a slowly opening pair of violet eyes.
The door to the room opened and one of the maids entered. “You should really get up Duo, it’s well past breakfast.”
“What!” with a startled shout he shot up from his bed, already tugging on his pants. “He wouldn’t!”
A chuckle escaped the maid as she moved to make the bed. “Of course he didn’t, but at least now I can make your bed at some reasonable hour.”
“Oh, thanks Hilde, you’re such a wonderful person,” Duo responded wryly, brushing the spill of long loose hair from his face angrily. Grabbing a shirt he stalked from the room to leave the maid to her cleaning.
The trip upstairs to the main room of the house was short and uneventful. He pulled the shirt on and quickly braided his hair on his way up the stairs.
“…so as I was saying, Doctor Po…”
“Morning everyone!” Duo called before him.
The village priest turned to look at his adopted son and smiled. “Good morning Duo.”
“Hello Father Maxwell, oh, hello Doc!” Duo said with a smile.
“Hello Duo,” Sally Po, the village doctor, said to him. “I see you’re just as bright and cheerful as always,” she smiled slyly as she motioned to his attire.
Duo glanced down and saw that the shirt he had chosen and pulled on was quit dirty from his prior evening’s occupations, which so happened to be helping a local farmer herd some of his cattle. His pants had last been worn when threshing wheat.
“Duo, how many times do I have to tell you to wash your clothing?” Father Maxwell began, “At the very least let Hilde do it for you.”
“Sorry Father,” Duo said, scratching his neck carefully, “I was in a rush because…”
“Whatever the reason Duo,” Father Maxwell sniffed carefully. “When did you last wear that outfit? Threshing wheat?”
“And helping Elder Hopi herd cattle…” Duo admitted, scuffing his shoe on the floor.