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Remember i might not update in a while... I have a tight schedule! -dav 9/5/01:I've made many updates and havent posted it, um, one of the msot obivious is i added 9 more pix to the pix page check it out. and i changed the poems to stupid things humans have done

8/4/01:Hey!, i added some flash to almost every page, and i updated what i can or wanted to, eg. the shouts, aka waaup. o!, also by popular demand, acutally equal do the i dont care demand. i put tables on the pix page for faster loading and easy viewing.! aite layter

6/4/01: Hey peepz its been awhile.. From now on i will probably only up the pix unless further info given.. check the pix page

3/24/01: Once again i changed teh navigation. if one part doesnt work click refresh until they bot show.

3/21/01: I removed the buttons and used normal text. why? because i couldnt make the buttons appear in the main window and i did it with the text. this way the navigation bar is more useful. Well vote in my poll to tell me wut u think. Laytez

3/18/01: Everypage execpt my Bio and Pix got updated at least a little. Check it out. PS on the Main page where it says Check the UPdates, if it is yellow and underlined that means the page was updated, if its yellow but not underlined it means minor changes if its not dont bother going to the updates page.Unless u wanna hear the music =P LayteZzZz

3/17/01: I added some more music to somemore pages.

3/14/01:hey i added some music and stuff dont ask why.

2/24/01: Hey my FUkING SCANNER BURNT OUT!!!!!!! ARG! fuk ACER anywayz ill get it fixed or something and i added a link to Alex's syte

2/18/01: WOOOOOHOOOOOOOO! well first off im not fellin low no more second i got a scanner and a new printer! WOOOOOOOOOO! so this means the Pix page is goin Up!!! and is up!!! Just chill for now ill get more pix layta. Anywayz i added a link to floras page. thaz bout it!!! LaytErZ

2/15/01: Hey peepz its been awhile minor updates really i took down the valentines day celbration page and added somthing else.The ppl page got updated sorta. Im not gonna be working that much on this site as often as i used to. Im feeling kinda low and depressed lately. Well i wanna say thx to my friends that have been there for me when i was felt low. LayTezZ

2/1/00: I changed the look of the scroll bars. it makes the site look less plain i guess. Also the events i took down the Cnew year stuff.. ok layta.

1/31/00: Again i updated today. i got new flash buttons. When your mouse goes over it slides open. Its pretty cool.

1/31/00: the Java is back up! yay. Whew i thought that i lost that stuff forever. Anywayz i was sick the past few days so i didnt update. i got a little better so ill be updating. k? Aite LayTa...

1/29/01: Angelfire is messed up the Java isnt working i dont know when it'll be back uo. Sorry

1/22/01: I put the guestbook back up. This one isnt fuked up like the other one
. Plz dont Spam.
I also added a counter cuz i wuz bored

1/21/01: I added an Events page to inform you about holidays birthdays etc. and i added a regular link on the entrance page cuz the thing took a while to load for the ppl with slower computers

1/18/01: I added this Updates page YA i did...

1/17/01: I fixed the link to June's page and moved Alexis to the lunch section

1/13/00:The Ppl i chill with page is up and i added a back o the main page link on everypage for your convienence.

Click here to go back to my Main page


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