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Thanks for wanting to join the Amazon Web Ring!

This ring is hosted by BRAVENET.COM, and owned by Deoris.

What will happen now is I will review your site, and see if it qualifies as an Amazon site.  Basically your site must be Amazon related, no matter what your tribe.  I will allow any site that is related to Amazons, real or fictional.

Both versions of the ring have clear backgrounds, so whatever your background is, it will show through the window.  If the text is colored so you can't see, you can easily change it.



The biggest single problem people have with the ring is making the table needed. Please follow the link above to learn the basics of HTML coding tables.

To add the web ring graphics to your page, please follow the steps listed below.

1.  Copy the HTML code for either Light or Dark backgrounds.

2.  Insert the HTML onto your site.

3.  Right click, and copy the pictures below to your own web, then insert them into the webring HTML.  Please, do NOT link to this site for the graphics.  Put them on your page.

4.  Edit the Panel Code in several areas which are highlighted in BLUE for your convenience.  Please remember to change the image links as well, to reflect their place on YOUR page.  Thanks!  (there are five areas where the code has to be changed):

Make sure the link to the images are correct to pull the images from your site.

  1. Save the changes to your site.

  2. You will not see your site in the ring until you have been approved.
    You will be notified by email once you are approved.

  3. If you have troubles, email me at

For users with light colored backgrounds, the ring will look like:

The Amazon Site Ring

This site owned by
Lisa Olson

Site Ring by

For users with black backgrounds your ring will look like:

The Amazon Site Ring

This site owned by
Lisa Olson

Site Ring by