Did he just do the Akuma Slide? You bet he did. This guy’s got hardcore cool factor.
As you should be able to tell, I’ll be doing my first fight next episode, and it might be longer strip due to the amount of panels it takes to do a step-by-step attack. If you’re itching for humor and a little bored with the idea of custom megaman sprites duking it out 8-bit style, read this week’s bonus: A.K.A. Episode 21b.
Light says:
Like it, gives Blank and the villain substance/character.

Though the comic episodes may not be hilarious, they are usually platforms I use to develop my skills and make more visually stimulating comics. These are just back to the good punch-line-based comics that made me laugh while writing them in the first place.
As for Gram being gone, I used it on the title panels and found that kind of funny. So it’s crossing over to the comics as well. I know why he’s not there, but I might save that for a joke later. For the more technical reason than the character-based reason for his leaving is this: he’s just too darn powerful. While I’m thinking of a weakness for him (that I have an idea for) he’ll be “out.”
Now I know McKrin is a tailor, not an armorer. But the neo-medieval style is a popular trend nowadays in Dragaera. If you don’t believe me, tough. McKrin seems to believe me.
Light says:
Nice; good pun. The blue armor is a little ugly. Good luck getting a weakness for Gram.