“No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife in the back will seriously cramp their style.” Of course, it doesn’t quite cramp up our villain enough for the would-be Strider. This is my first action episode ever, so forgive anything you dislike, but personally I’m well satisfied.
It was rather pointless, but I know where the next one is going to start, so I suppose it was worth something. Plus, we see that neither of these two are pushovers, so the heroes have their work cut out for them.
By the way, can I even send you something this violent? I mean, 8-bit blood is about as harmless as it gets, but I’m still not sure.
Light says:
I LOVE THE ACTION. SEND MORE. Don't worry about the blood and violence. I'll be okay.
Well, it looks like (for now) both Travver and Gram have better things to do. Notice they had also left by the time Lance, Ander and Rei showed up back in #15. I suppose that’s what happens when people actually have jobs, heh.
Okay, these were supposed to be plotless funny panels, but they’re also updates as to where our heroes are while evil is afoot. Hope you liked it.
How’s Trav’s office? I just made that and thought it was kind of funny, with the cliche picture hanging and file cabinets. I was going to put a fake plant too, but didn’t want to clutter the panel any more than it already was.
Light says:
Nice office. Trav's attitude reminds me of a lot of cops I know. (advancing the plot it's a bad thing, even if it is accidental)