WOW! Okay, this comic is a little jumpy, and not very funny, but finally we see the motivation behind the villains! And the introduction to the “boss-guys” we’ll be facing, at last!
However, since I knew I’d be able to explain what was going on here, the comic really doesn’t make much sense. I don’t remember if Light was gone when Tim made these villains’ character pics. But to brief: on the member pages on the web page, Tim invented some non-used villains he thought it would be fun to mess around with later. Well, these unused villlains are on the revenege rampage for never getting any screen time. Get it?
Aalect is the sorcerer that was very briefly seen in the big Crown RP by the v.2.5 guys, who was teamed with the Gray Terror. The Not-So-Shadowy Villain behind it all is still a mystery though, but don’t start guessing: he’s brand spanking new for this comic. Unless you have an idea who he should be, in which case please let me know.
The skeletons? Well, they play into this week’s bonus comic, and we need some real minions to go off and slaughter, don’t we? Those ninjas just don’t cut the bill, I guess.
So we finally come to a wrap up of May! That was a lot of work, and it’s actually May 1st today!! Can you believe it! The comics took me so long, I don’t even have June’s all ready to send. This was almost two solid months of comic making, I hope it can hold you over until June’s installment, which may not be sent until the middle of June, depending on my home computer’s ability to make the kind of comics I managed here at college. Well, we’ll see. We ended the month on a tense note, with all the new enemies to attack, and the pickle our heroes are in at the end of Episode 25b.
Enjoy, re-read, and wait a month for June (which hopefully will include 5 bonus episodes of outtakes and behind the scenes!)
Light says:
Nice bad guys. I like the "less talk, more minions" line. My favorite part is the skeletons. Let's face it, I've fallen in love with minions since Langrisser. The skeletons beat the ninjas hands down. As a suggestion, the main villain could be Truch.

D.Lord’s more in character I hope. That sword looks really ugly. Don’t have much else to add.
I worked on D.lord’s sword, and the reason for the “over-the-shoulder” grip was my feeble attempt at emulating the drunkan swordsman fighting style. Of course, for that he’d need a flask at his side... who knows, I might give him one!
I’m still working on getting D.lord into character (a lost cause, only Light can get it) but Hemlock’s gradually becoming his old self. No more Dragonball, but it was fun while it lasted, hehe. Now he throws his cards. The card he through was supposed to be that label thing that anime characters always have. The things Tasuki used to summon the demon dogs, and Miyaka wasted on food, remember?
Light says:
I love the new sword. Nice character development on D. and H. As for advice in D., just remember, he's not really drunk, he's "drunk." ;) Nice cards.