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Episode 30

Are you excited yet? Because we all know who comes if Iha comes... plus, just the idea of another famous character turned 8-bit is always fun. That is, except for one character who hangs out at the bottom of the comments...

I thought this would really get things rolling by getting more characters into it with different “teams,” and beginning the confrontations with the villains and such. Anyway, this is the last episode of the month, and now I’ll begin on my outtakes comics. Prepare for some action and adventure next month!

Sorry for the small commentary for this installment, but I didn’t do anything worth talking about, really. I’m still experimenting in making the whole thing more “comic” like (with the ambush scene in episode 29) and moving the plot forward. But I’ve seemed to have reached an “end” of new visuals. I’m pretty well set in how I make the comic, and how I make certain things look when they happen. I’m happy about that, since now the tricks I use are routine, and I can pretty much make everything I want to happen. The comic has arrived at a certain “look” and I like it.