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April Installment-- This is a small package, only five episodes and not exactly hilarious. But with the introduction of a new character and some fancy backgrounds, we just might be able to hang on until May when things really start rolling. As for Gram’s absence... who knows?

Light's response to Title page for April Installment:
Sadly the funniest part of this package. Though it's pack full of jokes, which is great. The effect of Dzur and McKrin running. My favorite comment is Hem's. I like how Tom tries to use everyone in the title and seperates it out for the comic. One suggestion is maybe break everyone into teams to send them off. It may make creating jokes and producing more faster. (I am aware that I am pretty oblivious to all the details involved in making these strips.) The added comments are a good improvement, in my opinion.

Episode 16

Episode 16-- Sorry if this one seems a bit rushed, but I needed a filler/explanatory comic before jumping into #17. I finally figured out where the plot was going to, but I needed some stuff to happen first. But man, do I love those Ice Mountain jokes, hehe. Plus: The return of the clouds!! Seen previously in episode 2, they really do like nice, eh? I blurred them this time and I’m not sure how much I like that.

Light says:
Good joke. I too enjoy Ice Mountain jokes. I preferred the other clouds. A joke that could have been added is Dzur still chasing McKrin.

Episode 17

Episode 17-- That first panel is really what I’d like all backgrounds to look like. Sadly, I don’t have time to make something like that all the time. This one was ripped from the ending of the first Castlevania. Ahh, memories, hehe. I plopped a pointless lens-flare on there and presto! A beautiful scene at sunset in 8-bit glory. As for last episode’s comment, apparently carrying around and controlling a trans-dimensional vortex isn’t that hard when you know what you’re doing, eh Lance? If only they had a magical orb back for trial # 282. If you’re getting sick of all the lighting effects, I’m sorry. But a shadowy villain has to be in a shadow, doesn’t he?

Light says:
The first panel is beautiful. The joke is pretty good. Yes, I wish they had a what-cha-macallit for #282 (or was it #283). Anyway, I like the lighting effects, however I would prefer quality to quantity at this point. Or both..

Episode 18

Episode 18-- This one didn’t quite turn out how I wanted it to. Four panels isn’t a lot to work with, so what I was going to accomplish in this one will take two instead. If these episodes aren’t very funny, I’m sorry, but they’re fun to make. We should get back to Kur & Gang eventually. Those letters in the first panel sure are neat looking though. They took a little work, but turned out exactly how I imagined them. One problem: I STINK at sound effects. What in the world is “Fzzzzzzzzz?” Did someone open up a soda can?

Light says:
Pretty good. I like the 'night time' effect on the first panel. The sound is alright "tssfuuu" might have been better. The letters look fine. Nice explosion effect. Prefer Kur and Gang, though.

Episode 19

Episode 19-- There are some things about this panel that I don’t like, such as the boring first panel, and pathetic punchline. The new character looks to cool, though, so hopefully that makes up for it. I’m getting very sick of putting shadows in front of the shadowy villain’s rooms and magazines in front of his face. Maybe I’ll just drop the whole charade.

Light says:
The new guy looks and shows promise, but bringing in new characters makes it hard to do good old jokes. Nice effect on the tube thing. I think at one point Kur + Gang should be in the forest around the castle and eventually at that fateful stairway that leads to Dracula. Something to work with anyway.

Episode 20

Episode 20-- This guy is cool, eh? I didn’t intend for him to look that much like Strider, but I’m happy he turned out like that! I think this was a good end to the month, though prepare for a whole host of things to start happening next month. How did the “action” look? That’s probably going to be the technique I use for most the fighting in the comic. Toldja I’d just unveil the shadowguy before long. By the way, I’ll be doing a “bonus month” probably and occasionally doing an 8-panel super-spread, maybe some outtakes and stuff, just to keep the variety up when the plot starts to drag. I’m still in school, and hopefully I’ll finish May and some of June while I’m still here. I have the feeling the quality of comics might go down when I have to use my home computer.

Light says:
Love the action effect. The badguy looks pretty good too. A good finish, but I still kind of miss the gang. And now that you can do action, I want to see a fight.

Light's over all thoughts:
Pretty good. My comments aren't as good as last time, but I preferred the last three installments over this one. Oh well, that's life. Well, I think everything is set for plot, I'm ready to see the plot take off.