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Welcome to Dragon Girl's View of School

Welcome to my page dedicated to my thoughts on school in general. As a freshman, school is like a jungle; you can get pretty lost with out a map. Thank goodness I haven't gotten too lost yet!

Well half of my year as freshman is over. I've survived! Lol! Sophomore year is just around the corner and I'm all ready for it! Wow, alot has happened. I can't wait till summer vacation!Then after summer I have a whole nother year and building at school to look foward or not foward to...

A Personal Experience -Day 1-My First Day Of High School

5:15 AM-Here I am, high school, whew! I get up early to make myself look my best and get ready for the big day. Good thing I laid out my clothes last night!

7:00 AM-My dad's car pulls out of the driveway. My nervous stomach turns as we drive out of our street. My nail polish matches my dad's lunch bag, not that it matters. I rummage through my bag to make sure I have everything. Everything’s good! I hope I have homeroom with somebody I know, or somebody I can relate to (a possible new best friend.) God grant me courage to speak though. I sigh as we get onto the main roads. My dad turns on the radio. How nice, he put it on my fav station! I look out my window and listen to the words of Dave Matthew's Band.”Ooh traffic jam got more cars than a beach got sand….”

7:27 AM- My dad's car pulls up next to one of the main buildings and wishes me good luck. I take a deep breath and get out of the car. I pull out my messenger bag and put it over my shoulder. I take my first steps on the dark pavement and look at the vast amount of buildings. Am I going to survive this?

7:30 AM- I walk in to my homeroom with shaky feet. I find the desk with my list of classes on it and sit down. I glance down at the paper and remember the classes I had chosen that summer. I look around the room to see if I recognize anybody. Nope. I turn to see a girl next to me in a cool black shirt drawing an awesome picture of a dragon. BINGO! I had found somebody to relate to! Now, what to say?

9:10 AM-The tour of the campus is over. I still haven't gotten enough courage to say hi to the girl. We're walking an auditorium for our pics for our IDs. The line is a mile long. Uhg. Luckily, we get to sit down. I just find a spot, sit my butt down, and wait. There's an empty seat next to me. I wonder who will sit there. Then, guess who asked if anybody was sitting there? The girl was drawing the dragon earlier! I say no and she sits down. I start to talk to her.

9:35 AM-Back in homeroom, sitting next to my new friend, Araina. Soon we will be finding our classes and meeting our new teachers. I hope I don’t get lost! Hmmm, physical science first period. Not bad! Oh gosh, there goes that annoying bell that sounds like my old school’s fire alarm!

12:28 PM- Ahhh, lunch! This lunch room is a total, how should I put this, JUNGLE! I’m not waiting in that mile long lunch line! I pull up to the Powerade machine and put in my money. Thank god this machine isn’t picky about dollar bills (unlike the Fruitopia machine which I now know is very picky about how crisp your Washington’s are.) I grab a Jagged Ice flavored one and look around the crowded room for a familiar face. I see my old friends from my old school and hang out with them until the bell to my half study rings.

1:20 PM- Hmm, art class. My sanctuary! I sit down and wait to see our new teacher, Mrs. Root. I hope she isn’t a really critical type. I find a seat and sit down. I don’t recognize anybody from any of my classes. Oh well. I hope to meet at least one person!

2:30 PM- Home again! High school isn’t such a big deal. Let’s just hope we don’t get trampled tomorrow!

High School Is......-A View of High School from a Freshman-

High School is....
Getting lost on the first day
Meeting new people
Being bumped in hallways
Hearing weird bells at the turn of periods
A constant rush of feet
Getting homework
Lugging around 20 pounds of books
Having a busy day
Getting up at 5:15
Living on Gatorade and granola bars
Seeing plenty of hot guys (=)
Taking naps durng study
Writing notes in Algebra class
Making a fool out of myself (aka dancing) at the shcool dance
Standing in front of a whole class for oral presentations shaking like a leaf
Racking your brain during a quiz
The good, the bad and the evil teahcers
Avoiding Mr. Ek when listening to your CD player

That’s all I have right now, if anybody wants to add more e-mail me at!

My Fav People In School

