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Welcome to Dragon Girl's Opinion Realm

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Here's my latest thoughts and opinions!
Evil Teachers- why do we deal with them? Fortunatly, I only have 2, well one, evil teacher. This teacher will reamain nameless for what little dignity he has left. He refuses to admit that his teaching skills totaly suck and students aren't learning.In my opinion, the head of the math department at Pinkerton should've fired this guy when they had the chance! Half the students in my class recived warnings this quarter. As one of the guys in my class said "Doesn't that say something?" I think it does. But the ass my teacher is only replied " Yes, it means you're not working hard enough!" Well one things for sure, I'm greatful that I've been taught algebra before so I'm not as prone to be as confused as others are. During my time in algebra class, I use it as a study and occasionaly listen to whatever this dude has to say. Yes, I know I should really listen. I've given up listening to the angel on my right shoulder during math.

Everyone, yes even parental units, have teachers they used to or still hate. In my mom's case, Mr. Cunningham (who I think is dead and 7 feet under the ground so I don't have to worry that he'll stumble upon this), her sophomore history teacher at MHS, was her worst teacher. He was tougher on my mom only because of my aunt Emelda. The reason he hated my aunt was because she didn't care what people thought of her and her unique and intelligent ideas. He despised that she held the position of class president because she's a woman. This sexist guy had the nerve to ask my mom in front of the whole class "How do you live with your sister? How do you put up with her?" with a indescent tone.

Sometimes I seriously wonder how some of my teachers became teachers. How my nuty art teacher became so nutty and ditzy. How my American Goverment teacher isn't a bar tender or movie critic but a teacher ( he talks alot about movies and beer.) How my gym teacher wasn't a drill sargent but a gym teacher. There's alot to wonder about odd and evil teachers.

Don't get me wrong, there are alot of wonderful teachers out there. Like Mrs. Hutnick who reminds me alot of my mom, Mr. Barry who was sure to make Area Studies interesting, and who can forget Ms. Haag who lets us have side conversations during Spanish. Yup, there are the rare cool teachers. Like diamonds in a pile of old dirt. Appreciate them cuz alot of us students get stuck with the spawn of hell.

Valentines day is long gone, yet I think I should still proclaim my happiness that I am not emotionaly entangled! As you peoples probably know or could've guessed, I wore all black on the holiday. I got alot of stares yet I didn't really care. Ashley, Ariana, and plenty of other girls joined me in Operation Blackheart. My reasoning is that I'm just plain happy being single. I don't have to worry about alot of things that other girls have to. Here's somethings I don't have to worry bout: my b/f going behind my back and cheating, worry constantly if he still loves me, if he sees me with my guy friends and becomming jealous, looking good everyday especialy for him, ....ect. Plus I love the freedom of flirtting! As my loveline proves, I'm a flirt.Can't help it! I can also slow dance with any guy I please.

I've heard too many heartbreaks of my friends. Their guy cheating on them or just letting's hard to see their hearts break because of some jerk. I'm waiting till I find a guy that's mature enough. That means I'll probably have to wait till my sophomore year, which is pulling around. Right now I'm proud to say I'm single, I'm not depending on some guy. Yes, I must admit, I am also a hopeless romantic like my BFF Steph, and I personaly cannot wait to find love. But it can wait. To all girls out there that have just been heartbroken, time heals all wounds. To all those careless guys out there, don't play with the feelings of girls, one day you'll end up getting a kick to the crotch. Seriously, being a player isn't something a girl appreciates.

Yup, being unemotionaly entangled is just great. Having great guy friends is, right now, better than any boyfriend. But if you're a single hottie who likes my same intrests just happening to stumble upon this girl's web page, e-mail me sometime! ;-)lol!

Harry Hype

When I went in search for the well sold out book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, I expected at least a couple copies left at the Vermont Bookstore. Being a small-unknown bookshop only known to locals. I went in the shop to find that they only had saved the books they had gotten, the only way you could get a book was to reserve one before hand. Deeply disappointed in being turned down, I waited until my trip back to NH, Hoping to make a short trip to the large Barnes and Noble near the mall. The night before and many nights before that, the story Harry Potter was all over papers and the news. I was surprised because before Harry Potter was such a craze, before I was the only kid in the 6th grade that had read Harry Potter! My cousin had been the one to recommend the book to me. Soon after I had become a true Harry Potter fan, recommending the books to classmates and friends. After buying the first book, JK Rowling had become a best seller. I love her books and her plots, yet there is a problem.

Now kids to young to even understand what the heck a griffin or house elf is, insist to be read this 734 page long book as bed time story. What shocked my the most was how bookstores opened their doors at 12:01 AM for the Harry fans. Seeing the younger kids tear the covers to get a book or fight to get the front was truly sad. The poor kids at the end of the line, tired and sad to see the copies to be gone in an instant. Unfortunately, in the book there is a subject of murder and mystery, should kids at the age of four, five and six know this stuff at a young age? I strictly believe that this book is meant for eight and up. The first few books are ok for younger kids, but as the series goes on the more thicker and the more older you have to be to understand. I love reading JK’s work and am a big fan, I have a thing against the nuts who owned the bookstores and to the parents who did such an insane thing to younger kids. I wrote this story to seek your opinion.

On my ideas of the thought that Harry Potter is witchery; thats just a bunch of bull made up by little old church ladies who have nothin better to do with the rest of their lives. Harry Potter has nothing to do with Wicca. Wicca is not a bad religion! Chrisitians tainted it's image when they first were expanding into Europe to convert or kill the Celts (an early pagan people.) Wiccans DO NOT worship the devil or preform black magic. It really pisses me off when people talk about Wicca in a negative way. I'm not Wiccan, but I respect their ways. I only hope, you, the readers will also respect their ways.

This was written as an opinion, only that, I love JK Rowling and am a great Harry Potter fan. Tell your story and thoughts as much as you can too.

Written by ~ Dragon Girl

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