

The Devil You Know

Silence rapes the breeder of hatred

Vile rogue treads in dread mirrored spite

In the dismal darkness of bleak solitude

Bleeds the suffered heart of endless despair

Passing away another second of life

* * *

Sorrow drowns in the fathoms of hell

Sinister bastard slays so complicated

Far beyond the reach of the barren cross

Sheds carnage of the soul siphoned dead

Reborn perfect evil so well incubated

* * *

Sickly venom sprays the fangs of fury

Rancid parasite feeds with gross delight

Into a nauseous nightmare of ravaged innocence

Prays it to vanquish oh perilous kingdom

Reigning showers of vengeance and might

* * *

Scream rage at thy demon daring presence

Hallowed whore seethes painfully searing sin

Under the guise and ruse of purity and trust

Quips a devil who will have you know, life…

It’s the death of you and the truth of the end

Smaug -|-