*CLEARS THROUGHT* This is the page where my one and only(that has changed if you havn't noticed) Kiira will live if I am chosen.
On my last trip to LA, I went to a very dark and unpopular street(mainly because theives live there)*I look at you* Dont look at me like that.....anywayz! This proved to be the exact place that I needed to go for all of my, ehem, unavailable things (ie:dragon formula, pixie's dolls,etc) when a small egg on the ground cought my eye, tis a small egg*me thinking again* but, it needs a good home....erm, I later found out that somebody had a pet Kiira, they didn't want their Kiia to mate w/ the one of Nirissa's choice(the name of the mom Kiia) so, she just laid her egg in a place where she didn't think that anybody would find it....or so she thought. After finding all this out, I decided to keep the little Kaii, and now, this is his home.
Update!! My Kirre has hatched!! Her name is Feisty! She is a purple Kirre, they tend to be light hearted and free spirited. She can have all the room she needs here^^
She has grown into a beutiful sub adult!
She is now a full grown Kiira!! *wipes happy tears* yay!!^^ now she can take care of Sea wile I'm at school!^^

All of Feisty's toys and care items at the moment^^

Kiira's CareTaker:Anastasia
Kiira's Name:Fiesty
Kiira's Age:Adult
I got her from:

I have applyed for a Kiira adoption!! Fiesty needed a friend. I adopted her at Cypris. They found her in Formain, a beutiful land of medows, and forests, all that u can imagine! Her mom abandoned the egg, they found her, and now, I am under inspection for adoption, so! I will have to wait to see if I am approved to have this special baby!^^
My kiira has hatched!This breed of Kiira is named after it's soft sea blue fur. It is a silent and shy breed that likes spending a lot of time to itself. SO! Fiesty will be a loving sissy to her when ever she needs one^^

Kiira's CareTaker:Anastasia
Kiira's Name:Sea
Kiira's Age:Adult
I got her from:
