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Dragons Web

The Dragons Web is dedicated to bringing people what they want in online shopping links, links to free online roleplaying forums, and soon web page creation. For the moment all of the online shopping links will be affiliate programs that I will have been joining up with, eventually however I want to be opening my own online and offline store and if I do that that as well as the stores of friends and family will be featured on this site.

As an avid Role Player I will also be offering free links to Role Playing Forums that may be online, so for all you Role Players out there, please keep visiting this site for insite into all your favorite online RP forums. If you have a role playing forum please send the link to with the subject line "Forum Link for DW" and we will be happy to list it at no charge.


Quote a day mail list- Start the week off by recieving a list of quotes made to inspire you or to at least give you a laugh.

Idiots in the News: As it seems this list will include all the idiots of the news, however I want all of you to be my reporters so if you hear of a real idiot in the news send the story to and it will be writen up in our mailing list, please be sure to include what paper or news program you got the story from.

Message Boards: Self explanitory

Dragon Links

Cellular Services

Role Playing Forums

Adult Shopping (Toys and Publications NOT Porn)

Meeting Friends




Online Auctions

Free Web Hosting