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Realms of Twilight Application

Copy and Paste all applications to the following link~~~~~> Kingdom/Guild Application
  1. Is this a Kingdom or Guild application?
  2. Name of your Kingdom or Guild-
  3. What is the SN of the GC and SiC(lower case please)-
  4. Do you promise to uphold the laws and tenets of the RoT?
  5. Will you continue to work for the betterment of the RoT?
  6. In which world will you place your Guild/Kingdom?
    • New Draxis (God XTalonCDSX)
    • Eniluap (Goddess XVLadyAceVX)
    • Kashyyyk (God DarkWingedW0lf)
    • Isles of Trinity (God BishopsonofNight)
    • Valentir (Goddess Krysanyia)
    • The Void (God XIDakrLegacyIX)
    • Le Rien (Goddess IIAspynII)
    • Cress'Anam  (Goddess The Rowan Fae)
    • New Caladon (God Johnathan DeGaul)
    • Ashur Dar (Goddess VvvShyVampvvV)
  7. Make sure all members (GC and SIC included) fill out the Guild/Kingdom Member Application Below to recieve their RoT Registration Numbers

Kingdom/Guild Member Application
  1. What is your SN (lower case letters please)?
  2. What guild/Kingdom are you a part of?
  3. What type of Rank advancement do you want? (note you can hold more than one and all ranks will go up at the same rate however only mages can do mage duels and only clerics can heal and assassins AA so decide what you want to be able to do and then check all that apply)
    • Kingdom-
    • Warrior/Guild-
    • Mage-
    • Thief-
    • Assassin-
    • Cleric-

           Freelance Member Application
        1. What is your SN (lower case letters please)?
        2. Do you promise to uphold the laws and tenets of the RoT?
        3. Will you continue to work for the betterment of the RoT?
        4. In which world do you wish to reside?
          • New Draxis (God XTalonCDSX)
          • Eniluap (Goddess XVLadyAceVX)
          • Kashyyyk (God DarkWingedW0lf)
          • Isles of Trinity (God BishopsonofNight)
          • Valentir (Goddess Krysanyia)
          • The Void (God XIDakrLegacyIX)
          • Le Rien (Goddess IIAspynII)
          • Cress'Anam  (Goddess The Rowan Fae)
          • New Caladon (God Johnathan DeGaul)
          • Ashur Dar (Goddess VvvShyVampvvV)
        5. What type of Rank advancement do you want? (note you can hold more than one and all ranks will go up at the same rate however only mages can do mage duels and only clerics can heal and assassins AA so decide what you want to be able to do and then check all that apply)
          • Kingdom-
          • Warrior/Guild-
          • Mage-
          • Thief-
          • Assassin-
          • Cleric-