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Battle Rules

The sounds of clashing swords echoed through the arena as the two warriors squared off against each other.  Quick thrusts and expert parries were the order of the day as the crowds cheered them on in hopes of seeing blood.  A foot slipped and the crowds favorite fell the the sand and swiftly a sword darted in to stop a centimeter away from his throat.  His oponent looked up to his god in the stands and saw that he had given a thumbs down sign, the crowds roared in pleasure as what was thought to be a simple spar was about to end as a Death Match.  The fallen warrior knew his time was up and so he closed his eyes and awaited the killing stroke of the sword, a stroke that never came as one in the crowd had fired a crossbow at the standing warrior, the bolt lodging deep within his throat.  The female assassin swiftly twisted a ring upon her finger and slipped out through a hastily created magic portal back ot her lands.  The gladiator would survive today but being a slave to a god meant that he may not survive the next day. Such was the way of life, kill or be killed, find friends in the shadows or seek protection with the light.  To survive form day to day one needed to know how to fight.

Types of Battle-

Spar- A spar will be fought to 10 rounds, as this is nothing more than a practice match no healing will be allowed whether you win or lose you will recieve 5 xp for participating in this type of match

Honor Match- An HM is an age old method of determining right through trial of combat. a HM will be fought to 10 rounds and no healing will be allowed 5xp will be allotted to the loser and 10 xp will be allotted to the winner of this match

(Aggressor Match rules area- All matches below this point are subject to the Aggressor Match rules which will be explain later in this document)

Slave Match- A slave match is fought to 15 rounds with 1 healing allowed after round 10 has concluded. The loser will receive 5xp for this match and will be the slave to the winner for 1 mun week (this can be changed upon agreement of the combatants) the winner shall receive 15 xp

Release Match- Fought to release a slave the match is fought to 15 rounds and has the same rules as an SM as well as the same XP spread.  If the challenger wins the slave in question is freed, however if the challenger is beaten then he too becomes a slave for the same amount of time that the other was a slave for.

Death Match- A DM is exactly as it sounds, the loser dies it is as simple as that.  A DM is fought to 20 rounds and will allow healing twice after the 10th round has finished. The loser of a Death Match is dead for 24 hours before they can be rezzed and receives 5 xp for the match.  The winner of a DM will receive 20 xp for the match.


AGGRESSOR MATCH RULES: An agressor match means that no 1d6 initiative roll is done before the match. A SM/RM and DM can all be aggressor matches. An aggressor match will be started as follows in a log (RoT DM Strike On ??????).  At this point the first attack is made against the target of the match, once that is done the target has the choice to either keep fighting or attempt to flee.  If the person flees then they must state their flight and then roll their dice if their dice roll equal or more than the attackers then they have escaped, however if the dice were not high enough then they must fight the match and they have just forfeited the first round of attacks.

WAR RULES- Click the flame

SCORING- Scoring a match is simple a player rolls 2 dice and both go for damage when scoring find the appropriate amount of damage for each die rolled and then add the damage together to find the total damage for that round.


1-14 Miss
15-19 1
20-24 2
25-29 3
30-34 4
34-39 5
40-44 6
45-49 7
50-54 8
55-59 9
60-64 10
65-69 11
70 12
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The Realms of Twilight is a division of the Dragon's Web Role Player's web site.  The Realms of Twilight is based off of the Short Stories created by Kevin Coryell, however all the worlds and storylines held within this forum are creations of our individual players and all Copyrights shall stay with them when it comes to their characters and worlds.  For more information on Dragon's Web please click on the dragon to the left.

(Dragon's Web and the Realms of Twilight are Šopyrighted to Kevin Coryell 2002, if you wish to use any of these materials and are not a part of the RoT please contact Kevin at for permission)