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This section of our pages has to do with the use and making of enhancers for all areas of combat and healing.  Most forums that have enhancers will make you buy your enhanced weapons, we in the Realms of Twilight do not do that however we will require some things to be done to get Enchanted weapons created.  Below will be written the Types of enhancers available, the proper usage of enhancers & finally how to go about getting enhanced weapons of your own.

Types of Enhancers-

                Damage- These enhancers are made normally as weapons (however some toys have been enchanted in the past with this as a way to safe guard ones children).  When used as a weapon these enhancers can add either 1, 2 or 3 points to your hits if used. The amount of points depends on what + your weapon is. (This can only be used when that weapon is being used and it MUST be stated after your action so the proctor will know to add the points to your roll, note: if you roll low enough to miss completely a dmg enhancer will not add any bonus points)

                Strength- A strength enhancer is quite rare and comes in three types.  Each type will add sides to the dice you would usually use.  Basically these strength enhancers will make your physical body stronger hence the bonus to your die roll. The three types are Ogre(+1 to sides), Giant(+2 to sides) and Dragon(+3 to sides).  Naturally the higher up you go for the pluses the harder it will be to create these types of weapons.

                Healing- Healing enhancers work just like damage enhancers but instead they help with healing attempts as well as rezz attempts.


How to use Enhancers-

                Damage and Strength Enhancers-  Both of these enhancers are used in battle and must be connected to a weapon, each round that that weapon is being used (and it MUST be used for the enhancement spells to work) you must state at the end of your move that the + is being used and what the amount of the plus is.

ex- XTalonCDSX:   ::draws sunblight from it's sheathe and uses it to slash at DeathStormT:: (+3 Dmg)

                A healing enhancer will only be used sparringly and usually only by priests and gods, during a healing the priest or god will cast their healing spell and then use the enhancer the same way a damage enhancer is used.

ex- XTalonCDSX:    ::Walks up to Storm and smacks him with the "Holy Healing Trout of Avalon™" and heals his wounds::<+3 to heal>

As the Holy Healing Trout of Avalon™ is a +3 healing item he would state that at the end of his move.


How to Create Enhancers-

               Step 1- Find a RoT registered Store owner and ask him/her to create the Item in question.

               Step 2- Perform the quest to find all the materials needed for the item, send the SL to the Shops and Services Supervisor ( ) and he will say weather it qualifies as good enough for making the item (note: all SL's that simply say ::went and bought two quarts of distilled dragons bane to make the dragon slayer sword:: will not even equal a +0 weapon...the better your make your stories the better chance you will have of a higher plus to your weapon.)

               Step 3- Once the SS Supervisor has approved your Story Line it must be posted, At this time the mage in charge of the shop will post what he/she then went through to create the weapon...once again the better the SL for the creation of the weapon the better the weapon will be.

               Step 3- When both SL's have been placed upon the Message Boards and both have been approved by the SS supervisor then the weapon has been made and can be added to your profile or web page, however this must be listed somewhere in either of those places or it will be invalid in a match.


For creating a SL for the quest to make a enhancer the buyer will receive 25 xp and the maker of the weapon will also receive 25 for his SL and 15 as payment for making the actual enhancer



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The Realms of Twilight is a division of the Dragon's Web Role Player's web site.  The Realms of Twilight is based off of the Short Stories created by Kevin Coryell, however all the worlds and storylines held within this forum are creations of our individual players and all Copyrights shall stay with them when it comes to their characters and worlds.  For more information on Dragon's Web please click on the dragon to the left.

(Dragon's Web and the Realms of Twilight are ©opyrighted to Kevin Coryell 2002, if you wish to use any of these materials and are not a part of the RoT please contact Kevin at for permission)