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The judge looked down from his platform upon the condemned man.  He rose and called out in a deep voice that promised no mercy.

 "The criminal has been tried and a decision has been made, the punishment for his deeds is exile from the Realms of Twilight"

The criminal was thrown then through a hastily conjured portal never to be seen again in the Realms.  Many things are tolerated in the Realms of Twilight but there are still ways to push the gods beyond the limits of endurance, so take this as a warning before you do something you may regret.

(In the RoT we try not to limit peoples RPing however at the same time we will not stand for guilds like DoG to be formed so before you take away another persons enjoyment of the game please stop and think about whether you may be taking something to far or not.)





RoT Home Creation of the RoT Gods and Lands
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Assassination Rules Story Telling Healing and Resurrection
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Clavigers RoT School Application

The Realms of Twilight is a division of the Dragon's Web Role Player's web site.  The Realms of Twilight is based off of the Short Stories created by Kevin Coryell, however all the worlds and storylines held within this forum are creations of our individual players and all Copyrights shall stay with them when it comes to their characters and worlds.  For more information on Dragon's Web please click on the dragon to the left.

(Dragon's Web and the Realms of Twilight are Šopyrighted to Kevin Coryell 2002, if you wish to use any of these materials and are not a part of the RoT please contact Kevin at for permission)