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There are those among us that wish to learn the more intellectual styles of combat.  Instead of just hack and slash combat there is another way and it is one that mages have perfected over the centuries.  There is no dodging involved, instead each opponent stands their ground and tries to use spells to bring the other down to their knees.  In this turn based system one mage is pitted against another and on each mages turn they will cast one defensive spell and one attack spell a piece.  If your wit is quick enough to cast the correct combination of spells to score the hits needed then you shall prove your superior intellect and your adversary (if you leave him or her alive) will have to go back to studying their scrolls and spell books for the higher levels of magic you have already mastered.  Below are the rules for the Mage Duel battle system.

The Mage duel system is a very easy one which was introduced to me when I joined the forum known as the AoN.  As this is a variation of their style of combat I know that those from the AoN may have an upper hand in it but I am going to try to explain things as easily as possible within these next few sentences.  As mages rely on their brains and not their brawn to battle it is only logical that a mage duel would take on a different look than any other style of fighting.  In a mage duel there is no healing allowed but otherwise it will follow the same rules as how to go about the other match, however there is a change in scoring.

1)There is no Mass Spar for a mage duel

2)of the two dice you get the first die is your defensive spell and the second die is your attacking spell

3)to score this match you take the roll from your oponents attack spell and subtract the roll of your defensive spell, the number this leaves is the number you will look up on the hit chart.

4)Last but not least is a change to the hit chart...due to how well spells work in most cases the only way a miss is noted and that is if the defensive roll negates the attack roll, due to this a roll of 1-19 is a 1 hit and the rest of the scoring table is the same as always.


Example: Attack roll is in red and defense roll is in blue

Talon CDS:   ::Raising his hands Talon casts a Fireball towards Storm while calling up a gust of wind to divert the magical darts storm had just cast at him::

Online Host:     Talon CDS rolled 2 40 sided dice    25  36

DeathStormT:   ::with a quick flick of his wrist and a thrown pinch of seaweed a barrier of water appears in the fireballs path and then becomes a tidal wave that washes over Talon::

Online Host:  DeathStormT rolled 2 40 sided dice  30  14

Scoring for this round is as follows  Talon scores 1 point of damage on is how it is figured out:

Talons Attack roll is 36 So now you subtract Storms Defense roll which is the first die which is 30

36 - 30 = 6

Now that you have the six go to your mage battle score table(same as the other except for 1-19 is now 1 hit) and find where 6 lands on that table.  It is in the part that means you hit once, therefore talon has 1 hit on storm.  Storms attack roll for the next round is 14 so whatever defense talon has next round he has to try to beat 14, if Talon gets above a 14 for his roll that means his defensive spell held out against Storms spell and no damage was taken.  It's that simple.


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The Realms of Twilight is a division of the Dragon's Web Role Player's web site.  The Realms of Twilight is based off of the Short Stories created by Kevin Coryell, however all the worlds and storylines held within this forum are creations of our individual players and all Copyrights shall stay with them when it comes to their characters and worlds.  For more information on Dragon's Web please click on the dragon to the left.

(Dragon's Web and the Realms of Twilight are Šopyrighted to Kevin Coryell 2002, if you wish to use any of these materials and are not a part of the RoT please contact Kevin at for permission)