Welcome to The Elflands. I am a Gold Elf, self-declared. This page is a constant work in progress, until I finally find something to center it around (me doesn't count). For now, look at all the stuff I have up and see if you can find a common theme. So for now, just look around the new, easier-to-use pages and see if there's anything that attracts your interest.
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In Tokyo/Osaka In Helsinki In Berlin In London In Boston
In San Fransisco
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Fun stuff 7-22-01
I got my own Gold Elf!
Useful phrases in many tounges
School related stuff
X-mas list
Japan photos!
Fun things to do at college
My journal
An unedited journal of my time in Germany
Movie reviews
The Elf's incomplete Sailor Moon page

Read the Elf's Dreambook
Sign the Elf's Dreambook

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? E-mail me!
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