Elf-Friends For more pictures, go here
Kejia, one of the smartest people I know. I personally think she should end up in neurology, but she isn't totally in agreement with that. Yet.
She can also be so ditsy at times that she is an unofficial "blonde".
Ah, Steve. The only boy I truly love. Good thing it's purely platonic. Honestly, I don't know what I would have done without this guy on countless occasions. Also one of the clearest and straightforward thinkers I've had the pleasure to meet. Too bad he's a Republican. ;)
Ann Miller, a fellow Lawrentian, and quite a good friend
Mollie, another Lawrentian, and also a good friend of mine
Sara, who I have sometimes been told I resemble. Even by her own boyfriend, once. I don't think so, however. Lots of fun, though, and a fellow former exchange student. Of to Smith College this fall.
Beth, who has the drive and mechanical aptitude to be an engineer, something I don't think I could aspire to. She's also doing something else that I don't think I could aspire to, but that's once she graduates and apparently they haven't officially announced that yet so I'll stop talking about it.
Chris, whose hair is no longer this long, much to the shock of her parents when they discovered it. She's off at camp in Colorado for now, and I ought to write her someday soon.
Justin, my best friend's not-quite-boyfriend. Totally enamoured of my best friend, which could prove hurtful at some point. But then, love hurts, or so I'm told.
A wonderful friend, excellent musician and wonderfully sociable as well.
Kelly, whom I sadly know so little about. She was in my biology class in 11th grade, and as far as I can tell so far is a wonderful person. I needs must try to get to know her better.
A different Kelly, of whom I know slightly more about, which is odd because I have spent far less time with her than the aforementioned Kelly. Then again, most of the time I've spend with this one was social-fun-time, which does wonders for getting to know somebody. In this case, I've gotten to know that she's lots of fun and good at organizing things to boot.
Kyle, the more reserved of the Brothers K_____. No less excellent a musician (perhaps moreso, since he wishes to make a career out of music and by necessity must therefore strive to become better), though perhaps less social a creature than Justin. Still, he can be entertaining if he wants to.
Rao, another spectacularly smart person. FAR less ditsy, though. Studying at the U of M.
My penpal, Whitney, whom I have met all of once in my life. Still, over the last 4 years we have discovered that we have much in common, and as the distance between us narrows (ever so slightly) and changes orientation 90 degrees, perhaps we shall have more occasion to see each other in the coming years. If not, I had better write more often than I have been lately.
My dearest darling friend Jennyfer. Which does not mean that she is darling, just a darling friend. Off to far-away MIT, sniff sigh sob.
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