All magical movements involving rotation or circling are normally made. clockwise, 'the way of the Sun'.
This is known as 'deosil', from the Gaelic, meaning 'to the right' or 'to the South'. Irish deiseal, Scottish delsell, both pronounced approximately 'jesh'"l"
In Irish one says 'Deiseal'--'May it go, right'--when a friend sneezes.
An anti-clockwise movement is known as 'widdershins' Middle High German widersinnes, 'in a contrary direction' or 'tuathal'
Irish mathal pronounced 'twa-hT, Scottish tuaitheal pronounced. 'twa-yT meaning 'to the left, to the North, in a wrong direction'.
A widdershins magical movement is considered black or malevolent, unless it has a precise symbolic meaning such as an attempt to regress in time, or a return, to the source preparatory to rebirth; in such cases it is always in due course 'unwound' by a deosil movement much as a Scottish Highlander begins sword dance maithem, because it is a war-dance, and ends it deiseil symbolize victory.