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Pliny the elder (Garus Plinius Secundus) AD23 ? AD79 
Only remaining book "The Natural History" 37 volumes. 

Pliny The younger son (Garus Plinius Caecillius Secundus) AD 61-113 
10 books of Letters, Many things including , What to do with the Christians. 

Strabo (Strabon) BC64 - AD19 
Wrote in Greek, 17 books Geographica of Roman Empire. 

Tacitus, A.D. 55-117 he wrote Germania, and Agricola, 
Germania - Situations and customs of Germans, and 
Agricola - Eulogy of Tacitus father-in-law who was governor of Britain. 

Bernard, Evslin, "Hecate", 1988. 292.211

Burr, George Lincoln, (Lea, Charles H.), "Materials Toward a History of Witchcraft", 1951.

Byloff Bonome, "History Sacred and Profane", 1964

Ceaser, Julis, "diary"

Cohn, Norman, "The Pursuit of the Millennium

Cohn, Norman, "Europe Inner Demons", The Columbus Center Series, NY-Basic 
Books Inc., 1975. 940.17

Corpus Hermetcum

Donovan, Frank Robert, "Never on a Broobstick", NY Bell, 1971. 133.4

Elliot, Rose, "A Razor For a Goat", University of Toronto Press, 1962.

Frazer, "The Golden Bough", 

Gibson, Walter Brown, "Witchcraft; A History of the Black Arts", 1897.

Harning, Peter, "Witchcraft and Black Magic", NY Grosset & Dunlap, 1972.
Press, 1978. 133.4094

Hughes, Pennethorne, " ",Pelican Press, 1965

Hugh Trevor Roper

Harrison, Michael, "The Roots Of Witchcraft", Secaucus, NJ Citadel Press. 133.409

Holmes, Ronald, "Witchcraft in British History", 1977. 133.4

Hansen, Joseph, "Quellen", The Trials und Untersuchungen zur Geschechte des Hexenwahns und der Hexenverfolgung in Mittelaller, Hildesheim 

Hutchinson, Francis, 18th century


Revised: January 23, 2003 .