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Time Historical Line

64-19   B.C.E. Strabo - Geography
65       B.C.E. Horace - Many
36-65   A.C.E. Lucan - Civil War

23-79   A.C.E. Pliny the Elder
61-113 A.C.E. Pliny the Younger
55-117 A.C.E. Tacitus
60      Cesar enters Britain
150    Letters of Peter

347 Council of Sardinia - Right of appeal to the Roman bishop.
376 Goths cross the Danube into Roman territory
410 Capture of Rome by the Visigoths - King Alaric
455 Decree of Emperor Valentinian III - Confirming power of the bishop of Rome
476 Odoacer
750 King Pippin le Bref corinated - Transfer French crown from Merovingian to Carolingian family
800 Charles crowned emperor of Rome
1048 Pope Leo IX
1073 Hildebrand became Pope Gregory VII
1198 Pope Innicent III to 1216
1215 Magna Charta won from King John
1294 Pope Boniface VIII to 1303
1414 Council of Constance